
E.Timor : did you doubt Indonesia was the aggressor against the Christians?

by Guest61876  |  earlier

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An internationalm commission has finally put the full blame on Jakarta for the murder (religious cleansing of Christian Indonesians) and the beatings, rape and church/house and shop-burnings, despite the brazen denials of President Susilo Bang-Bang Yudhoyuno.

These outrages also occured all over Indonesia, but went unreported because Indonesia is valued as an "ally" in the war on terror. They are still happening, esp in Kalimantan and Molucca.




  1. It's no different to what christians used to do hundreds of years ago.

  2. Hello? Can you read? Suffering is actually part of being a Christian.

  3. There is no doubt about it-Suharto's troops were completely out of control, and the blanket suppression of any news coming out of East Timor made the whole situation worse. The worst part for me as a resident of Australia was the fact that the East Timorese sheltered an Aussie special services group called Sparrow Force during WW2 from the Japanese, at great cost themselves-thousands of Timorese executed by the Japanese for sheltering sixty or so Australian troops. And when Indonesia invaded, not a bloody peep from Canberra-and all because they had money invested in Indonesia and were promised lucrative shares of Indonesian markets by Suharto in return for their compliance.

    Sparrow Force soldiers must have been turning in their graves.

  4. Indonesia has been guilty of genocidal activity for a long time. In the 60's almost two million people perished in a pogrom against the communist cells all over the country. Many of these people were of Chinese descent.

    They also waged a war of attrition against the Acheniese people in Sumatra.

    They decimated East Timor by killing almost half a million of their best people.

    During the last days of the struggle for East Timor's Independence the Indonesian army under General Wiranto

    went on the rampage in a orgy of rapes, burnings and destruction against a civilian population. They also used local conspirators to commit atrocities against the local Timorese.

    People like General Wiranto deserve nothing less than a trial at the court of human rights and the death penalty.

    Unfortunately, Indonesia is stranded like a beached whale

    through its own inabilities and corruption and the world community usually gives them sympathetic treatment.

    So they get away with murder!! The dead whale stinks out the rest of South East Asia.

    They have recently been prosecuting the Amadiya sect. who are Muslim. And Indonesia is supposed to respect the right of people to practise their faith.

  5. No.

    Don't think so.

    INDO - NE - SIA-L

    Just the young one with self lack of knowledge.

    Children of a Rudeness tribe.

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant.

    Luke 3.7-9

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on glory and success in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in messing up someone else graveyards.

    When they were not even an arabs with self lack of knowledge in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Exodus 20.1-7

    What do you think?

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