
E trade / Zecco?

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Has anyone had any experience with these online brokers? I want to start investing online and am looking at these two online brokers.




  1. I don't like either of them.  I find ETrade a bit expensive and as for Zecco, I despise them for their "bait and switch" tactics.  Their promotion used to be 10 free trades per day and up to 40 free trades per month.  Then they changed it to 10 free trades per month with no minimum deposit.  Now they have it as 10 free trades per month with a minimum deposit of $2,500.  There are many other online brokers out there, such as Scottrade, Firstrade, TradeKing, SogoTrade, Interactive Brokers, Sharebuilder etc.  I suggest you do more research and look into them as well.  I personally use Firstrade and I'm very happy with them.  They're not the cheapest, but they're also not the most expensive ones.  They offer all the features that I look for.  Check them out and see if they're right for you.

  2. is hand down the best!

  3. Very content with a couple of E*trade accounts...wouldn't touch Zecco with a 10 foot pole....

    BUT...more important than that: I hear from people that Scottrade is great...reasonable rates and lots of helpful tools for even the smallest investors.

    Don't get into investing worrying about the piddly little things... get in to find some nice investments...short or long term... make some money ...and you won't care if a " commission" is $ 9.99 or $ 3.33 !!

    If you are going to attempt to " day- trade"...believe me, you need a bankroll... so wait on that... and just do some short-term buying and selling...

  4. ZECCO is Very Risky business, i am using since april, was ok for some time, but now i am realizing many of its drawbacks. i just lost opportunity to make some money today. i have $3000, balance in my account but my account would show buying power of $200, when i contacted zecco customer care, i was told that they are aware of the issue and will be up in 15 minutes, its already 3 hours nothing updated , and i dont know if it will be updated today, its a very serious mistake, the stock which i was looking to buy is up  12%,.........Also there is no feature as of total position of the account, its hard to keep track of the profit or loss by your own.

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