
E x p l a i n!!!!!!!!!!?

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no guy is worth a girl's tears. the one who's worth her tears is the one who knows he could make her cry but would never ever try!!!




  1. No guy is really worth getting upset about or emotional over, but only a guy who is considerate enough about your feelings to not want to upset you is worth investing your emotions in.  In other words, is he's not worried about your emotional well-being, he's not worth getting involved in.  He's the guy that you care so much about you cry when something upsets you, but he's the guy who loves and understands you enough to not want to upset you.

  2. No guy is worth a girl's tears: A guy who makes you cry is not worth loving

    The one who's worth her tears is the one who knows he could make her cry but would never ever try: The guy that IS worth loving knows he could make you cry, but would never try to do so.

  3. Sounds pretty straightforward to me.

    A man who makes a girl cry is not worth crying over (not worth loving).  A man who would never cause a girl any grief  is worth crying over (worth loving).

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