
E y e s ? ? ? ! ! !?

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When I'm writing sometjhing down or reading something (which means the page that i'm using is about 25cm away from me) the writing or print always seems to go blurred. is there something wrong with my eye sight or is it jsust something that everyone has???????? Thanks x*x




  1. wel... weather its an eye problem, i dont no, but i do no that i get that too, but onlii  afta a while of reading or writing.

    as far as i'm aware its becoz of the fact that u r concentrating.

    but u might want to go to an opticians just incase.

    hope i helpd. x

  2. trying some reading glasses?

  3. You don't say how old you are, but I should think that the first thing you want to do is to have a eye test, and find out if your eye sight is alright, you may only want gasses, but if there is anything wrong with your eye's then the optician will be able to tell you.

  4. try an eye test may be somthin may be not you can only try

  5. You may have hayfever, have you found your eyes water uncontrolabley? If they do, you probably have an allergy.

    Otherwise, if you don't already wear glasses, yo should go and get your eyes checked at an optitons, you may need glasses,

    Hope this helps,


    x x

  6. No, everyone doesn't have that, so you may have one of a variety of problems.

    But the most basic thing is that you're reading too close.

    25cm?  10"?  aim for 15", 37cm.

    The closer you have to focus, yes, the bigger things look, but the more effort your eyes are having to make: both to maintain focus and to maintain alignment.  If either of those sets of muscles get fatigued, blur will occur.  The older you get, the more likely prolonged closework is to be troublesome.

    It could be as simple as that.

    However, you could be longsighted, astigmatic, or have difficulties with binocular coordination for near.

    (esophoria or exophoria)

    It would need an examination to see exactly what was going on but, given your symptoms, it would be worthwhile.

    Optometrist, retired.

  7. if they are hurting,blurry or u r seeing circles or ligts .etc it might be an optical migraine

  8. you need to see a optician as it sounds like you need glasses

  9. Well yeah. My eyes are the same (except when I look at something 8ft away it is blurry). I suggest going to see the eye doctor. You know, just in case.
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