
EADS (Airbus) : has there ever been a less efficient and more corrupt governmental conglomerate?

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True enough Fagguitto, but those Wall Street crooks are private entrepreneurs. The U.S. Dept of Justice has had the FBI arrest over 4oo of them for involvement in the Sub-Prime Ripoff. A good start.




  1. Yes - the Iraqi Oil Industry .. and especially the US led 'Oil for Aid' and post Iraqi war re-building efforts

  2. They seem to be doing ok. If a billion or two are wasted but everything else is basically under control... who cares? Not everything has to be done at 100% efficiency. If you wanna point your finger towards waste and corruption choose a better target. How about Wall Street? Those fat bankers contribute nothing to society yet cash in billions in fees and bonds for creating planetary wide depressions.

  3. The Russian oil & gas industry (specifically Gazprom and Lukoil) is a prime example. Slowly becoming more efficient since the breakup but, apparently, still wallowing in corruption.

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