
EASY 10 POINTS!! Best way to clean cage without using any type of bleach solution?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Put your thumb on the hose to make it high pressured, this should get most of the grime off. Then with the rest get hot water, and scrub with a metal pad.

    Good luck!

  2. hear is a site

    it is organic

  3. glass cleaner, water, hand soap, dishes soap

    olive oil, vinegar, alcohol

  4. well there is alot of ways but i find liquid soap and water but also for the tray just put a sheet of news paper around and in so no mess gets on the floor or on the tray

    good luck

  5. use hottttttttt water!!!maybe you should start using newspaper at the bottom of the cage or go to the pet store and ask for sand to put at the bottom of a cage and you can just vaccum the sand and throw the newspaper away!!hope this helps


  7. You can use hot soap and water or cage wipes. I love the cage wipes, although it is more expensive than soap and water. Petsmart sales them,, and others. Do not use glass cleaner, it's not the safest way to clean. They also make cage sprays that are speficially designed for use in bird cages, they work well. I used Canopy Quick Clean, which I think is now Kaytee Quick Clean, it was oranges scented and was not harsh at all.

  8. I roll mine outside and hose it down. I let the sun dry it.

  9. white vinegar diluted with a bit of water

  10. Scrunched up newspaper with vinegar. The vinegar will break down the dirt and the newspaper will lift it.

  11. use a cloth...

  12. remove the pets first and good hot soapy water ,rinse and dry.they will have a clean cage the cage will smell better than just wiping it down and your pets will absolutly love a clean smelling habitat.

  13. OMG i have a parrot and i use baby wipes to clean the cage! 10 points? plz

  14. To wash out a cage i use hot water and baby wipes cleans and leaves it smelling nice! hope iv helped!

  15. If I were you I would use a cloth dipped with warm water.

    I personally would not use a hose because it is a waste of water.


    Remove the pet first

    Pls can I have 10 points? I'm only a kid...

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