
EASY 10 PTS!!! What crazy things have you done while TTC, after intercourse, and in the dreaded 2WW???

by  |  earlier

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Some women lay with their hips up, some women test every single day, etc. Just looking for crazy little things other women do while either TTC, right after intercourse, and of course in the 2WW! Everyone has the little things they will do or they absolutely won't do or things they have to do all the time. Just wondering, I think this is an interesting question!




  1. I'm a temping fiend. I just can't wait for the next morning so I can obessively record my temp. Then I plot my temp on the paper chart by my bed. Then I go online and chart online!! Its really crazy! Then I go back and forth comparing cd25 to the previous three cd25 and saying things like, "Oh three cycles ago my temp was 97.1, but now its 97.2. That must mean something..." Lol!

    I I hear ya onPOAS addicts, but I'm definitely also a BBT addict! :)

  2. Yay for Dollar Tree (the brand name is 'New Choice', BTW, and gives it rave reviews)

    Legs up on pillow, even tried the 'bicycle in the air' thing, but without the moving legs bit :) LOL

    Reiki. Thought it might help with 'sticky implantation vibes'. No such luck .... yet.

  3. After s*x, just laying in bed with my hips up.  I used to start testing days 23 and on.  But getting so many negatives has been hard so I don't even keep tests around anymore!  They ARE addicting.  Also, I'm usually on the internet in the last week looking at tons of websites for signs I may be pregnant!  So far, it's only been AF symptoms.  *sigh*

  4. I did the typical things and put my legs up against the wall.  But right afterwards I would not let my husband get up.  He had to wait at least 5 minutes to make sure I got all the kiddos... lol.  Then after he got out the bed I wouldn't let him back in the bed because I didn't want him to move the bed because I wanted to lie perfectly still until so his boys could find the egg.  Wow...crazy when I think about it.

    Of course in the 2WW, I went to the dollar store and bought 30 pregnancy test, and started testing the day immediately after my LH surge went down.  Of course I new it was too early to tell, but in my mind who knows what I was thinking... LOL!  Well it worked after 2 months and I am currently 16 weeks pregnant!  Good luck if you are trying!!!!

    Edit:  I just saw your update.  If you can find a Dollar Tree store, the test are literally one dollar!  Also on the internet you can buy them in bulk for 72 tests for $72!

    Sorry, I hope I'm not adding to your addiction :-)  Also try the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.  It has great tips when you are trying to conceive!!! Best Wishes!

  5. I have done some crazy I have tested before I

    And I was 2DPO & started testing! lol

    After intercourse I always lay with my hips up!

    But I have to say the craziest thing I have done is....

    Heres the stroy..

    My friend & I was joking around about how I will do ANYTHNG to have a baby..She was asking me what all I have done..

    I replyed I've done everything but stand on my head...

    She said why not try to! So I did! lol I stood on my head after intercourse.& it didnt work! hahahaha

    But I'm up for anything! lol

  6. I think it was about a year ago...(we have been TTC for 3+ years)...My MIL (mother-in-law) was trying to "help" us...She told me to try standing on her head for 30+ mins. She said that was the way she conceived my BIL (brother-in-law). So stupid me, I did what she said. After about 10 mins, I had more pain in my head than I have had in my entire life, my eyes started to water because it hurt, and my arms hurt, and my back hurt real bad (I have a lot of back problems), and at about 15 mins my husband said I had to stand up because my face was turning bright red. I would stand up because I was so sick of waiting without seeing any results, and when you thought I was about to pass out he pushed me over "so I could breath!" It is actually funny when I think about it now, but I was in so much pain. It obviously did not work because we are still trying, but needless to say...That is the LAST time I take advice from my "know-it-all" MIL!!

    I don't recommend that ANYONE try the whole "standing on your head" thing!! Unless you are trying to cause pain to your self!

  7. I always laid with my hips up afterward. I don't know if it worked, but we ended up with the baby, so something worked along the way!

    In the 2WW...I didn't do anything at all. I tried to forget about it and not focus on it. I actually ended up testing almost 3 weeks out instead of 2, because I just kept forgetting to go to the dollar store to get their cheapo pregnancy tests.

    Are you trying? Good luck if you are.

  8. i just lay on back..  

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