
EASY 10 pts.?

by  |  earlier

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is pb& strawberry perserves sandwich good for you?

is it enough food for me if i eat only two a day at the most everyday? and nothing else.

im 16. 5'6. and 102lbs




  1. Sweetie, your 16, 5'6, 102lbs; you do not need to loose weight. Eating just PB&J is not healthy since your skipping other food groups. Please borrow a few books and read up on how to eat a healthy veggie diet.

  2. It depends on what type of bread you use. You also need some fresh vegetables and fruit if you want to be healthy.

  3. Not healthy to only eat that and not that good for you.

  4. You are going down a scary path.  You are underweight already and you are trying to lose weight.  That is not normal.

    You need to eat a balanced diet...fortified breakfast cereal with soy milk and a piece of fruit.  Then you can have your sandwich for lunch.  For dinner you need protein and vegetables...You can have a veggie burger or veggie nuggets and steamed veggies.

  5. The sandwich itself is healthy in combination with other foods containing other essential nutrients not found in bread, peanut butter or the fruit preserve. By itself, it will leave you malnourished after awhile.

  6. It depends on how long you have to eat it for.  I mean if your roughing it for a weekend it might be okay.  I would definitely do a stone ground whole grain bread.  And maybe some bananas to switch things up.  I am the same height and weigh 20 more lbs. than you, 32, and in a size 7.  I don't see how long you could sustain your weight and strenghth on this.

  7. eating only one food item constantly isn't good for you no matter what food that might be.  

    you're better off eating a well rounded diet if you want to be healthy...your body needs nutrients outside of what can be found in pb&j.  

    are you trying to lose weight, or are you just a picky eater?

    EDIT:  suffice it to say, don't need to lose weight. you are below your ideal weight already.  why don't you make your goal to be healthy and eat a well rounded diet that is just low in fat and sugar?
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