
EASY QUESTION, How much Peanut oil would i <span title="need???????????????????????">need?????????????????????...</span> PLe@$E aNsWeR

by  |  earlier

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i am running a booth at a fair, there will be about 1,000 people, (for one day) i am frying candy bars and lil debbies,(served on a stick and in a lil basket) about how much Peanut oil would i need? and How mUch will it cost?(who ever answers cost first gets best answer)




  1. You will need 5 gal&#039;s  for the day at least. It is cheaper if you buy in the industrial size jug which comes in a box. Sam&#039;s is cheaper that most places.   And you have to try Oreo&#039;s  too. They are sooo good.


  2. a gallon

  3. Get 12 bottles of oil.  Each bottle costs 3 dollars. Equal $36 dollars.

  4. It depends on how much oil your fryer holds. You&#039;ll probably need a lot. Peanut oil isn&#039;t cheap either. A case of 12 bottles (24 oz each) is $59.88 at the below site

  5. 1 case (288 oz)  $59.88

    1 gallon  $25.99

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