
EASY QUESTION: What Does.....???

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what does "persa" mean, like for example: "It's not that I don't want to talk to you persa....."??? How do you explan persa (in a simple way lol)??




  1. Per se:  as much or  with respect to its inherent nature For example. " "this resume is interesting per se"

  2. It is a Latin word, actually spelled per se.  Normally used in legal terminology, it actually means by itself.

    It is a rather pretentious word and usually used incorrectly!!  lol.

    An example of a sentence where it may be used could be:

    It's not that I don't like the way she speaks per se (meaning, It's not JUST the way she talks that I don't like - there are other factors!!)

    or rewritten as:  It's not that I don't like the way she speaks in and of itself...

    Hope this helped a little - it's a tough one to explain and probably best left unused unless in court, lol!!

  3. Per se, latin for "by itself" -- meaning that no further explanation is necessary.

    To Stephanie S. -- it's "with all due respect".  


    states that per se means

    with respect to its inherent nature

    so I would say an easy way would be to say

    With all do respect

  5. im not sure of the correct spelling but, like where u said, its not that i dont want to talk to you persa, its saying........its not that i dont want to talk to you, so much as, i am busy.....kinda thing, like saying that i am busy and thats why they dont want to talk..

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