
EASY QUESTON!: Can I Go Ahead and Start......?

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Okay, So I'm going into the 9th grade (home-schooled, should be going into the 8th but I skipped a grade lol) I've done assorted sciences (mostly Abeka and a few others) through school, including Physical Science. I would like to start Physics, am I to young to start Physics? I'm Not a genius or anything, but I would at least like to try it....

What year do you normally do Physics (like what grade in school)??

Am I to "young"??

Should I at least try it??

Please feel free to add ANYTHING!!


*I will pick a Best Answer by the way.




  1. Yes, go for it. It will look great.

    Best of Luck!


  2. Can't see how it would look bad, particularly if PS kids are not doing it that early!

  3. I will be a Sophomore in high school... I too would like to go to an Ivy League University (Princeton) I would also enjoy attending an institution like M.I.T. or C.I.T.

    I am currently enrolled in AP Physics. To be enrolled in AP Physics B you must have completed Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2... Study of trigonometric functions would help you as well. To be enrolled in AP Physics C, you must have completed Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. I assume that you, as a ninth grader, are either in Algebra I or Geometry. I am in AP Physics B as a Sophomore.

    You most likely won't be able to take AP Physics B until Junior year. This is because you will have to complete Algebra 2. You probably won't be able to take AP Physics C until college because you will have had to taken Calculus.

    The only reason that I can take AP Physics B as a Sophomore is because I am two years ahead in math.

    The main pre-requisites for AP Physics B/C are math... Sciences don't matter as much because Physics is heavily math related.

    I also suggest taking a regular or Honors Physics course before you take AP Physics B or C.

    Most high school Freshman take environmental science... Advanced students take Honors Biology. Sophomore year they take either Honors Biology or Honors Chemistry if they are advanced. Junior year they either take Honors Chemistry or Ap Chemistry if they are advanced... Then senior year, you can take some form of Physics, environmental science, or whatever...

    Of course AP Physics in 9th grade as a Freshman would look good... But... I wouldn't recommend taking it.  For one, you probably don't have all of the requirements to take AP Physics... And two, AP courses are very challenging. AP courses are college courses, which means college level stuff and a college amount of homework... Plus, AP Physics is one of the hardest AP classes you can take.

    So, that's all of my input.

    Good luck.

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