
EASY TEN POINTS. I have an easy speech but i dont where to start or what my concept will be??

by  |  earlier

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well at my school, we have public speaking competitions annually. You get your speech topic 1 day and have to present it the following day. My speech is called "lost and found" what can i write about. i want to be a finalist but i dont want it to do with losing dogs and all that - so if anyone has creative ideas. thanks - im in high school so not too babyish brief and not too informative. i would really LOVE it if it was humourous. easy 10 points guys thx




  1. The benefits of lost and found?  

  2. hmmm Lost and found.....

    When you say humerous, do you mean a comical concept or just able to put in a few jokes?

    If you are after the comical concept you can do it that 'you have lost your marbles' Dont know if you have that saying where you are from but its like going a bit insane! You could do it as if every now and then you lose them, but find them again, this means you can act a little crazy but be serious aswell, If you had a comical mind i think the script could be quite funny.

    If not how about ummmm

    -you could be something that is lost, you are owned by someone who is very forgetful that loses you then finds you only to lose you again! That way you dont have to say that you are that item until the very end so it's kidn of a twist.

    Thats all i can think off, its a good topic though!


  3. You may start motivating yourself, what if it is you who lost something or your dog..what will you feel and how can you cope up with it..You can make a simple speech and the real one..just say what you feel and be natural.

  4. This may sound crazy but if I had to speak on lost and found I would be speak on something that has happened in your life and you were lost and how you found yourself out of the certain event or situation.  You shouldn't have a problem with that topic because we have all experienced some trying times in our lives.  It could have been the loss of a loved one, friend, or breaking up with someone, failing a class anything!  I'm sure that you probably could find a humorous moment.  

  5. the lost and found at the train station, and all the weird things people lose) idk..

  6. I would write it on weird stuff that was in "lost and found" in different places.  I work in a casino and I have seen people losing the weirdest s**t!!! (even a s*x toy)

    here is a link if it will help

  7. How about throughout life when you lose and find your mind. Now when your a baby obviously your mind is lost, caught in a confusing world of swirling colours and googoogaga's. As you move into childhood you slowly find your mind eventually becoming an acceptible humanbeing. Now as a teenager you may find that you slipp in and out of consiousness because of the side effect of various drugs. You may find you lose days, weeks or even months, also at this time in your life you may find that your mind may lose itself without your permission it is even possible that you might leave it on your pillow.

    As you approac your midlife crisis you will find your mind is all together there, until you find a single gray hair and become a crazy cat lady/ man. A few years on you are on the verge of insanity you dont know whats really there and whats that a lepricorn?...

    Now as you reach the plum sweet age of 102 you can mumble under your breath to a confused caretaker wiping your *** that you have finally lost your marbles, and also something incoherant about your long lost childhood and the mashed chicken you ate for lunch last week.

    THE END.

  8. well lost and found is very open. why dont u write about a time u lost youself? or someone very important in your life and then how it was hard to find yourself again after losing them. Ur name is i used to b the sweetest girl why dont u write about when u lost that and became kind of a new person and found your new self? or you could write about the government but thats boring try something for planet earth how we lost the planets health and now its our duty to find it again because we've polluted it and all that. good luck

  9. talk about losing their virginity and finding an std  hehe

  10. how abt friendship? time? freedom?

    something intangible

  11. Lost and found

    Being that the aborigional theme is quite big at the moment and quite interesting i would do it on the merits of something regarding the aborigional children being taken away from their parents and then 40 years on they have been reunited. I believe Sally Morgan wrote a great book regarding something along those lines.....


    you could go along the lines of how humans lost their way when it came to understanding nature and climate change however now starting to find the necessary information and drive to start managing and turning around this global crisis.

    Just a couple of idea's

    Good luck with your speech if you decide to go with one of these feel free to ask for more idea's on the content  

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