
EBay PSP memory Fakes!?

by  |  earlier

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I bought an 8GB from eBay, and when I received it, I immediately knew the spelling errors, and glued packaging meant it was a fake. I was wondering the reliability of it. I'm getting a PSP tomorrow, so i can't test out how it works yet, but do you think it will hold Movies, Games and Pictures, and be reliable enough that it can play all those applications and load them? I'm saving my Podcasts and music for my iPod, so music playback isn't a problem for me. How long will this card last at it's minimum and maximum, how long did it last for you, if you have a fake?




  1. Just use it, anyway it won't do a thing to your PSP. Some imitations are durable, some are of low quality materials. But in our country, I will not buy those genuine expensive memories, they are just accessories..I will just buy those ones flooding in our sidewalk stores, lots of choice. Here, its already a big deal releasing a memory at 4gigs, there in asia its just ordinary to see those 12gigs ..all electronics are much more advance there.. So those guys from ebay got those things from china, malaysia etc at low prices. They are not genuine but it should serve the purpose..I have a Camera and an SD memory and a portable DVD player bought it 2 yrs ago in the Phils, they are imitations and until now they are still working...So if you ask how long will it last, then the answer is.. it depends upon the quality of materials they are made of.. you can judge on the appearance.. Does it appear to be durable? But don't judge those products base on the spelling of the labels..Ha..ha..ha..But should it last long, then you'd save $$, assuming you got it cheap from ebay..

    goodluck to your new memory..


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