
EBay Trouble?

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I was selling some stuff on eBay and sold one of my items 1st class recorded to the buyer on the 23rd of this month.

But when i messaged her to ask if she could leave me feedback she recons shes not received it?

So since it was recorded i had a tracking number and tracked the item and it said it was signed for on the 24th, yet shes saying shes not recieved it.

What more can i do? as i don't want bad feedback, what should i do next as she keeps going on?

one of my friends think shes just lying and after her money back aswel as keepin the item?





  1. your friend could be right.

  2. im gunna guess shes just lying and wants her money back.

  3. tell her if it dosnt arrive in the next few days, to open a dispute. you will obviously win since you have evidence that it has arrived. you can put down the tracking number in the dispute, and when Ebay take a look at it, they will sort it.

  4. You've told her you have the information about its arrival and signature? You've shared that information with her and sent her a copy of any paperwork you have?

    If you've done that and she's still whining, then the ball is in her court, not yours. If she leaves bad feedback you can then take recourse through Ebay and have them arbitrate it for you. (It's all there in the Ebay rules regs and help).

  5. when ebay lowers it's fees, I might go back - I made powerseller my first month of selling children's clothing but when the fees jumped, I jumped ship and so did a large number of the members of th children's clothes "community" we talk on one of ebay's boards and we all call ebay feebay now - I feel worst for store owners and people for whom ebay is a livlihood - kudos for saying something!

  6. Ok,

    Sending it recorded means Royal mail can show you the signature of who signed for it, that should make it easier for the buyer to locate the item, as its likely someone they know. it'll also make the 'item not received' dispute much more interesting if it is in fact their signature. i think Royal mail issue a small charge to view signature. Look into that?

    1st class recorded means you have insurance up to the value of £36, if royal mail have not delivered it to the right address and obtained a signature from someone at that address, they can compensate you up to £36. Once they have done that you can refund the buyer and avoid the bad feedback. Dont refund until you have been compensated as if royal mail show it has been delivered to her, they wont refund you.

    Its odd that the buyer hadnt contacted you before now.

    Is there a chance that they missed the delivery and got one of those red cards through their door requesting them to come down to post office depot and sign for item... and they havent noticed it yet? The first time i got one of those, i ignored it for ages thinking it was some junk mail flyer?

    Most importantly, despite your suspicions about the buyer, maintain regular open friendly communication as it will help prevent negative feedback. Ebay have changed their feedback rules lately meaning a seller cnat leave neg feedback for a buer, which sucks as not all buyers are honest.

    Did you send it to her work address or home address. Work addresses always cause probs especially if a large office as things seem to always go 'missing'.

    You should also email the seller, telling her what address you mailed to. theres always the outside chance that at some point they may have moved house and forgotten to update their personal info/ mailing address.

    The Q&A discussions forum on ebay is great too- lots of old hands at ebay with great advice as many are power sellers.

    Oh and , just reading over other peoples messages- I have to say don't rely on ebay to help 'sort it out' as they notoriously dont get involved at all. they always tell you to speak to the buyer/ speak to royal mail/ speak to paypal.

    They cannot remove neg feedback even if wrong as to do so is taking responsibility for every transaction and feedback on the site and that would make them legally liable, which they dont want. The phrase they use for themselves is somethinglike a 'person to person' site. Basically that means buyers and sellers are encouraged to sort out differences between themselves.

    What is likely to happen if its not resolved fast is that the buyer will open an Item not Received dispute- this opens up a dispute console.

    This is just a fancy shmancy way of opening up a mini discussion thread between the 2 of you to 'talk it out' and resolve it. If you dont resolve the buyers issue, and they don't drop the dispute, then ebay issue you with a strike. if you have proof of postage you may be able to then remove the strike through ebay but will lose some privileges while waiting.

    The only other dispute console i know of is "Item not paid for" console which the seller can open against the buyer, which in your case is not applicable.

    Sad fact is that ebay is now very buyer orientated and have lost a lot of good sellers as a result of unfair rules.

    If I were you, i would send a message to ebay as well, but dont expect a decent answer... but may come in handy if you end up at the point of having to try to remove a strike- as they'll have clear evidence of you trying to resolve issue previously.

    Also, if they paid with paypal, keep an eye on the transaction details as there is some way that buyers can claim their money back through paypal via item not recieved. i would also contact paypal before that to make sure they are aware you have proof of delivery and ask what course of action you should take?

    Good luck, and do consult the Q&A section in their Community section

  7. Your friend is probably right.

  8. ok  to start with she cannot leave bad feedback .if you look on the feedback page you can no longer do this.if it was me i would get in touch with ebay and let them sounds as if she is on a con.but before you do this i would make sure the post office had the right address.i say this because i had a parcel deliverd to a flat below me and the guy sighned for it it was only when i said to the posman about it that i got it back

  9. i deal with ebay everyday!! i have had this done to me loads of times, explain to her that you have traced the tracking number and know its been signed for on the 24th and see what she says.

    if she gets back to you with no i have not got it then let her give you bad feedback open up a dispute and contact ebay and explain to them by email that you traced the parcel etc its been signed for and she is still saying she aint got it your negative/neutral will be taken off once ebay have checked it out. bloody chancers eh!!! good luck also what keep note of any emails your sending back and forward.

  10. The Royal Mail can provide you with an ePod which is actually an electronic image of the signature received on delivery. The image is a section of the delivery card, and will include the details of who allegedly received the item.

    You can then put this evidence to the "buyer" in case she IS actually telling the truth and may recognise the signature ... likewise this evidence would also support your grievance when you contact eBay.

    Check that the address you delivered to is the one that sent you the payment, this is not always the same address as the one listed BEFORE payment... just an observation : )

  11. First of all, has she ASKED for her money back?

    If not, don't assume that she's a crook - most customers are honest.

    If she asks for proof of delivery, then send her a link to the place where you got the proof of delivery from or mail her a copy of the P.O.D..

    And you should never ask for feedback - it's supposed to be voluntary and some customers get their backs up if you ask for it.

  12. tell her you sent it recorded delivery, and you have checked and it has been recieved. if she still dosnt believe you send her the tracking number.

    i hate when other people mess you up for there own greed. she probably wants you to send out another one or for you to send her a refund.

    you have made sure that it was signed for by her. royal mail sometimes deliver to the naighbours house if the person isnt home. sometimes they even just leave things outside and say it was delivered!
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