
EBay business slowed down a lot!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was selling about 10 things a day, with the majority of my business on just Monday and and Tuesday. Today I only sold one thing this has happened for about 2 weeks and my overall sales have dropped dramatically. I'm really unsure what is going on I haven't changed my business and I'm listing about 80 auctions per week. My DSR's are good with only the shipping and handling charges a 4.5 I know I can't prevent this since I haven't changed anything but maybe somebody who has a little insight on why this might be happening.




  1. There's a recession going on.

    People aren't buying like they used to.

  2. Hello, I see you're having business problems and I'm only answering to you because I can help. I have a business of my own (founder).  I've been running it for 9 months now.  The link is  Checking the site out won't hurt anything.  Good luck!  If you feel it isn't for you at least you know you didn't miss out on anything.

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