
EBay says I haven't paid for an item?

by  |  earlier

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I recently bought an item from ebay and paid for it immediately via paypal.

When i had completed my payment i recieved positive feedback from the seller and an email from paypal to say i payment had been completed BUT...

When i go on My eBay it tells me I "need to pay for 1 item" and then it directs me to this item and tells me to pay for it but paypal disagrees and says that i have already paid for it.

Why is this happening?

By the way i definitely only bought 1 of the item so it is not asking me to pay for another of the same item..

Thanks if you can help




  1. You just didn't go through ebay checkout, so all you have to do is "mark payment sent" in the little "Action" drop down menu next to the item in your won list and that should be it.

  2. It's not you, it happens to me all the time.  Just keep your Paypal email confirmation so if anyone ever disputes it, you have that receipt.  I often leave feedback but Ebay keeps saying I haven't, but if I go and try to leave feedback (again for the same item), it says I've already left feedback.  I just ignore it all since, so far, it hasn't affected by credibility.  Ebay's system is probably huge and clunky.

  3. show ebay your paypal receipt.

    since ebay OWNS paypal they must honor it.

    Get their support csr folks involved, too.

  4. I would tell them to fix their stupid system because it is screwed up.  I refuse to be victimized by the idiocy, incompetence , and mistakes of others.

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