
EBooks~ Really want to read this but cant find it anywhere~HELP!?

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okay, so heres the problem this author Shiela Stewart just came out with a new eBook called Seducing The Darkness. And i really want to read it, but the thing is i have to pay for it to read it. duh. I knw, I knw, why dont i pay for it? I dont want to waste my money on an eBook, get it, read it and find out it wasnt really worth paying for. Because you knw how sometimes you find a book and really want to read, and then finally get it and its not what you expected it to be. I dont want that to happen. Ive been trying to find the First Chapter to Seducing The Darkness but i havent seen to find it. Can someone help me find the first chapter to this eBook and post a link for me, please. And make sure it works. That would really help. Here are some links about Seducing The Darkness by Shiela Stewart. If that will help.

ps:i want to read more thant just the expert, can anyone help?





  1. Hi there,

    I know how you feel about spending your money on something you're not sure of. If you're really interested in my book, Seducing the Darkness, there is a free read called, Surrender to the Darkness that is a prequel to Seducing.

    I could tell you I think the book is great, but I’m a little biased. LOL

    I can however tell you that Seducing the Darkness was the number one best selling Linden Bay Romance book on Fictionwise and it was in the top ten on Fictionwise’s Dark Fantasy romance for nearly two weeks running. So if you’re really interested in reading Seducing, I strongly suggest checking out the free read to get a feel for my writing style and for a glimpse into the Darkness series. And…if you email me I could send you a different excerpt than the one that is posted on my website.

    Here is the link for the free read, Surrender to the Darkness. And thank you for expressing an interest in my novel.

    Click on add to cart to order. It is completely free for you to read.

    If you have any problems, feel free to email me at

    Shiela Stewart

  2. I really think you should pay for it, I think that its only fair on the author if you pay for it and so you should pay.

    If it not a good read, you know not to recommend it to people and may not read that authors work again but you should try it.

    Maybe try the library if they have it but they don't all do e-books and i know my local library doesn't.

  3. You know, if the author isn't offering free samples, then any you find are in direct violation of her copyright.

    You don't get to eat the appetizer before you decide whether you'll eat at a particular restaurant. Either pay for the book or don't, but please don't ask us to help you get the author's work that she is not giving away.

    Perhaps you could contact her through her website suggesting a longer sample might have convinced you to buy it.

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