
ECE college interview?

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I applied to a school to get my ECE diploma. Every potential student has to interview. I'm great with kids so I know I'll do well in the program, but I'm really nervous about the interview! I doubt they turn too many people away and it's likely more of a formality than anything else, but still...

Does anyone know what type of questions they ask in college (specifically ECE, but really any) interviews? I have another degree but didn't have to interview with the college in order to get in. I'm not too sure what to expect.

Thank you!




  1. Think of it as any interview and try to be as confident and upbeat as you can. You sound overqualified. Are you planning to go into another area and using this as a background?

    The key is to be upbeat, friendly and warm. The information that your course is going to focus on is psychology of and development of a person through the lifestyle. Also they might ask about possible activities that are age appropriate. See if you can find some lesson plans for preschoolers through 3rd grade.

  2. Hi I am certified to teach early childhood through 4th grade, so I do have my ECE certfication. I'm not really sure what they might ask you if you are just trying to get into the college. They know you are just now entering the program, so I doubt they will ask you questions about that field. They may concentrate more on your attitude about school, maybe question you about where you see yourself in 5 years, what are your goals, that type of thing. If they DO ask you about ECE, they might ask questions about how you would help your students with reading or social skills, classroom management, parental involvement, and even colleague collaboration. Best thing to do is just be yourself. Interviewers know you are nervous, but the people that will stick out to them are the ones that look more confident. Just answer as best you can and be strong! Good luck.
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