
ECTOPIC PREGNANCY: Right tube removed. what are my changes of having a normal pregnancy?

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Had an ectopic preg. 5 days ago, removed my right tube. The doctor says my left tube is normal. What are my chances of having another ectopic? I was told to try again in 3 months and not to wait too long. Has anyone been through this? Any advice please?




  1. I had my left tube removed in January of 2003 after an ectopic that burst. I was told that if I ever got pregnant again, I would have a 25% chance that it would be in the other tube. I got pregnant with my daughter in October of 2004 (no birth control) got pregnant with my son in October of 2006 (he pulled out, it didn't work) and I am now 39 ½ weeks pregnant with another boy!!! Every time I found out I was pregnant, I was sure it would be in my other tube and it never was. I think you have excellent chances of getting pregnant again, you only need one tube, one egg and one sperm!

  2. Good.  My cousin went on to have 4 more babies after an ectopic, no problems there.

  3. Hi, my mum had an ectopic pregnancy after she had me...They had to remove it. Doctors told her that chances are slim that she will have any kids after that. But hey she had 3 other of my sibblings after that just with the left tube. I'd say dont stress out...take it easy...if its meant to be it will be. Think positive! Just eat healthy live healthy, do ur execise dont have to over do things. U'll be ok. Dont worry. Good Luck!  

  4. I had an ectopic nearly 14 years ago.My left tube was removed and i  was told the chances of another double.I fell pregnant 3 months later,but sadly miscarried.My doctor said it was too soon after major surgery.I later went on to have 2 more healthy children after 1 year of my ectopic.I had very early scans just to make sure the babies were n the right place.

    Take care hun,,i know what you're going through.Good luck in the future.xxxxxxxx


    No hun,,just rest,,make sure you get back to 100% before you try again.

  5. firstly dont stress!! i had a severely rupted ectopic pregnancy in jan this year. it was extremely painful and traumatic for me and i lost my right tube. i also have PCOS so my fertility was considered extremely low. the surgeon told me my cycle would return to normal about 8 weeks after surgery. 5 weeks after my op i had very sore b*****s and felt pregnant. thinking it was just hormonal i did a test. i WAS pregnant. i was 5 weeks pregnant 5 weeks after surgery!! i conceived just one week after my op. i am now 32 weeks pregnant with a little girl and doing really well. there is no need to wait, my obstetrician told me it makes no difference. al the best. x

  6. Everyone is right hun. I had an ectopic 6 years ago with my left tube removed. After that I have had 4 pregnancies (2 miscarried, but I have two healthy children!!!) Now I am pregnant again early days 7 weeks but had an early scan and all is where it should be with heartbeat, although I am having some spotting (fingers crossed will not miscarry). I never have altered my diet or exercise.

    Just try and wait 3 months, as I fell pregnant within 3 months after the ectopic and miscarried and that was heartbreaking, but make sure they always send you for an early scan at 6-7 weeks for every single pregnancy you have no matter how the next one turns out. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that next time all will go with no problems what so ever. xx  

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