
ED help please....are these causes?

by  |  earlier

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I just need to know if the following are significant causes of ED:

1. Chain smoking menthol cigarettes (over an extended period of time)

2. Diet soda (large amounts, 2-4 cans per day)

3. Occasional binge drinking (once every month or so)





  1. The cigarettes are a definite cause because of how they affect the circulatory system. If you're serious about wanting to help the ED, you'll have to quit or at least cut way back for the time being. I know it sucks, I'm a smoker too.

    The diet soda could be a contributing factor because aspartame and sucralose are really just not that great for the body and can lead to all kinds of nasties, but I wouldn't say it's a "cause".

    The binge drinking shouldn't be affecting it except for the duration of the binge and possibly two or three days afterward, unless you get whiskey d**k and it's a psychological thing. Possible TMI- My fiance was never rock hard for me no matter what we did until he tried a c**k ring and once we knew it could get that stiff with constriction, he's never had a problem maintaining an erection since. I think your expectations for your p***s can have a definite effect, and if alcohol does tend to inhibit your ability to achieve erection, you might want to have just a couple drinks and get buzzed rather than smashed when you're partying.

    Hope this helped a little bit! :)

  2. You can try this program

    Good Luck

  3. For sure, they all play their part.

    BTW menthol doesn't make the cigs any better for ya!

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