
EDGAR ALLAN POE...The masque of the red death...?

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What do the colours of the chambers mean?, are they related with life stages?...




  1. yup my class read it a few days ago it means the stages of life before u reach death  

  2. Yes.

    "'The seven chambers of the abbey, according to critic H. H. Bell, Jr., in his article The Masque of the Red Death: An Interpretation,' represent the seven decades of a man’s life, so that the final chamber, decorated in red and black, represents death. Bell interprets the seven chambers as “an allegorical representation of Prince Prospero’s life span.” This view is supported by the fact that the first room is located in the East, which symbolizes birth, because it is the direction from which the sun rises, and that the last chamber is located in the West, which symbolizes death, as the sun sets in the West. Bell interprets each of the colors of the seven rooms — blue, purple, green, orange, white, violet — as symbolic of 'Prospero’s physical and mental condition in that decade of his life.' The seventh room is the location of death, as it is eerily decorated in black and red — black being a color associated with death and night, and red being a color strongly associated with blood, and, in this story, the Red Death. Meanwhile, in the first six rooms 'beat feverishly the heart of life.'”

  3. It is also believed that the seven rooms of seven colors may represent the seven deadly sins, which are: sloth (laziness), lust, gluttony (eating too much), avarice (greed), pride, anger, and covetousness (taking what does not belong to you). Since the Prince was a selfish and arrogant man, it could be said that he committed all of the above, which would certainly allow an explanation of the seven rooms representing each sin.

    black  -and red -- death

    east -sunrise, yellow birth

    west sunset dark - death

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