
EDGE LANE,LIVERPOOL.Who feels LCC is overstepping the mark with its plans to demolish the fine buildings at?

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the City end of the road,those with the tacky murals in the window spaces.How dare anyone even contemplate destroying such fine heritage i say.More foresight would decree that they should be refurbished to a standard deserving of such fine architecture,they are irreplacable.What are your thoughts.




  1. Yes of course, but the chumps in charge seemingly cannot be voted out at election because of last-minute jiggery-pokery, the so-called Cabinet Member for Regeneration Councillor Storey (despite being previously dismissed for unprofessional conduct, discredited for his underhand dealings that helped c**k-up the Capital of Culture early on and who is under inverstigation for the financial incompetence by the National Audit Office) wants this crazy scheme to please his mates the property developers, even though it has been condemned by a central Government report.


    P.S.  Once again we Liverpudlians exclaim 'you couldn't make this up!'   - Storey is to be made the next Lord Mayor of Liverpool!

  2. I know what you mean, and agree it would be preferable to refurbish what are fine buildings. But who owns them now - are they provate or council? It may be that they aren't financially viable, if they were, why hasn't some private builder or builders made an offer - it seems an opportunity to make some money and help regenerate a neglected area at the same time. Maybe there is more than I seem to know.

  3. Almost every city has a major road that feeds into the city centre from the nearest motorway/autobahn etc.

    Liverpool has suffered for years because the motorway stops miles from the city centre, and the feeder road (Edge Lane) is a relic of the Victorian era.

    What must visitors think when the first impression they get of a city is to suddenly be confronted by a single track road which zig zags its way through some rather dilapidated areas?

    Looking at the wider picture, pushing a major arterial road through to the city centre whilst redeveloping the surrounding area sounds like good planning.

    Unfortunately there are always people who are affected and any plan receives some level of opposition.

    Whilst its sad that some fine buildings may make way for the development, Liverpool has plenty of great architecture to compensate. My opinion is that the benefits outweigh the negatives, but I can understand the concerns because Liverpool has made a mess of this kind of things for years. Lets hope the planners will finally get it right.

  4. I totally agree. Those houses opposite Botanic Park would be worth a couple of million in the city centre or another major city and they are being demolished to widen the road. Also the houses between Edge Lane and Wavertree Road are being demolished, hundreds of them, I think they do it under the name of 'regeneration'

  5. I am from Edge Lane.

    They would cost too much to do up.

    I am glad they are being flattened because new estates are much better to live in and look far nicer

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