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How can I make my fat cat feel pampered

she doesnt like toys

or treats

she is very lazy!

What do I do??




  1. Get a cat tree and put some catnip on the very top.  It may help inspire her to climb up and get some excersice.  The reward on top, with or without catnip is a nice view from above.  Cats like that.

  2. I pamper my two new little kittens with:

    a small amount of milk (not too much tho as it may cause constipation)

    give her little pieces of cheese


    Also, maybe invest in a scratching post that has holes and fun things to do on it..they're quite expensive in stores.  So try under the community/pets section and either post a wanted ad or check out if someone posted an ad about their fun cat items! =} hope i helped a little!

  3. My cats lazy lol she lays around and when i want her to play i run around with a string Or anything like string Or even a Lazar She chases it all around the house She especially loves the Lazar You should try that or string My cat eats treats so i dont know about that part but a certaint KIND lol so your probably ganna have to find what kind she likes. The kind i give mine is called "Meow luv"

    and its a picture of a cat hugging a heart Lol But Their like green triangles. Chicken and mint flavor.

    Hope i helped!

  4. I brush mine a lot.

    And tell her she's special.

    And give her stuff she doesn't care about, but has just because.  

  5. With my cat, I just give her lots of love.  She sleeps with me most nights and a lot of times, we hug.  It's the cutest thing.  She puts her arms around my neck and goes to sleep.  My cat is very sweet even though when I got her 5 years ago she was a feral that was very mean.  All of the love I have given her has made her feel special and very loving.  I love cats!!!

  6. First of all, you say that your cat is fat.  Well, if that's true, that may be why she's lazy and doesn't play.  It's hard and exhausting to move all that weight around.  The first thing you need to do, for the sake of her health and happiness, is get her to lose weight.  Do that by very gradually decreasing the amount of food she's given each day.  An example:  if you usually feed one cup of food per day, feed 7/8 cup per day for one week, and the next week decrease the amount by another 1/8 cup, and so on, until she's at her ideal weight.  A vet should be able to tell you what her ideal weight is, based on her age and bone structure.  I'm sure that if she loses weight, she'll be more active and playful -- not to mention much happier!

    In the meantime, you can make her feel pampered by petting her, cuddling her, brushing her and talking to her.  Those are the things that make my cat feel loved and special.

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