
EF' s selection interview?

by  |  earlier

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Hi!!..I am Italian and my English isn' t perfect!!..i' d like to have some help from you..within some days i' m doing the interview!!..i haven' t any idea about what to say!!..i read in EF' s site ( that they are probably asking to me some of these questions:

- Why do you want to go on a High School Year Abroad?

- What do you expect from your exchange experience?

- What makes you think that you would be a good exchange student?

- What do your friends and family think of you going away for a year?

- What do you think you will miss the most about home?





  1. - to enrich my learning experiences and learn more things

    - my knowledge of the world will increase tremendously as living in my own country has its limitations

    - my good foundation of my country's knowledge, geography, politics, culture etc will enable me to interact with others and we will learn from each other.

    -its a bounty to be given this chance.  they are expecting me back with knowledge and stories to share

    - none - it will be an adventure that i will look forward to and the memories will linger forever.

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