
EFC 1868...cheri says it will be a good amount and Daze says I have to cover all of it? Who is right...?

by Guest63677  |  earlier

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EFC 1868...cheri says it will be a good amount and Daze says I have to cover all of it? Who is right...?




  1. Cheri is correct and Daze is confused. If you are still unsure contact your financial aid department.

  2. I dont blame you for asking your question again, when you are getting contradicting information, but Greg W is crazy if they have good paying jobs their is no way their EFC is 0014.

  3. An EFC of 1668 is not very good at all man to tell you the truth. Most of the guys i go to school with have an EFC of 0014 and under and we all have really good paying jobs. Well, if your single with no kids, then it may be about right, but if your under 25, you are married, and you don't at least have a 4 year degree then i wouldn't just rely on that, it is a good addition though, every little bit counts

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