I filed and got an EFC of 0. My school is online (VA College) and is $355 per crdt hr w/180 crdt hrs to graduate. My main thing now is do I continue to try to go to VA College or go to AIU which will be cheaper in the long run, but may not be accepted in the Computer Tech world (my major).
VA College - 355/hr all yrs of school (3-4); AIU - 227/hr for AA(13 months) and 339/hr for BSIT(13 months); EACH 180 credits
Either way, I know I will have the full amount in Pell/Stafford but after all is said and done, how much will i have to take out in loans? That's my other issue - I really want to able to stay in school once I start school. Also how much can I expect to get total in govt aid before loans come in, if they have to at all?