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i was really depressed with bad anxiety to the point were i couldnt function.i went to see a phyciatrist who put me on effexor 75mg i was on that dose for about 3 weeks and last week i started takin 150mg it seems 2 be helping with my depression but my anxiety seems to be gettin a little worse to the point were i can not leave the house im becoming agraphobic and feel it will only be a matter of time till i fall into a deep depression again if this carrys you think the anixety will get calm down after my body has got use to the 150mg dose??i am curently on the waiting list for cbt theropy but im not to sure this will help me even tho i hope i am rong..i was just wondering if some one could give me some advise or some personal experiances?thanks for reading




  1. You may wish to return to your psychiatrist to let them know that the medication is not working at the moment.  Check out whether you are having negative side effects by using Google.

    To prevent yourself from being agrophobic, I suggest that you go outside today and do some gardening or just walk down the street to your local shops to buy something and head this thing off at the pass.

    CBT sounds like a great therapy, I wish I could go to one of these therapy classes myself:

  2. The best cure for anxiety is a shot of smack.... always helps. Locating the heroin might prove difficult, but it's definitely worth it.

  3. If the Effexor, at the higher dose, doesn't seem to be working by now you may need to add some other type of med for the anxiety or maybe the Doc needs to up the dosage again. Give it another week to see if the anxiety eases up with your current medicine. Sometimes it takes trying a few different medications until you get the correct one for you personally.

    Meanwhile you'll have to deal with that 'awful place to be in' until the doctor gets it right for you. Keep trying till they/you get it right. Don't give many things in life to enjoy you might miss.

    I wish you well.

  4. you cant really ask this question casue everyone reacts differently to different meds
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