
EL TORO loking for a good place to visit in spain mostly for the food/wine/olive/cheese trail?

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can go anytime-not much interested in the bigger places/mostly regional .if you've been off the beaten track there and got any tips of where to start it would be appreciated




  1. If you are looking for wine parties... there's an idea!!! :)

    Spain is a country with great wine-making traditions: 22% of Europe's wine growing area is located in Spain, however the production is about half of what the French produce. The most famous wines come from Rías Baixas (province of Pontevedra), Rioja and from Ribera del Duero. The later ones are becoming more and more popular and are slightly more expensive than Rioja wines. White, rose and red wines are produced, but the red wines are certainly the most important ones. Spanish wines are produced with time and they have been in a oak barrel for at least one year (Crianza) and then another two years in a bottle, Reservas are first released after five years and Gran Reservas leave the wine estate after 10 years. Spain has seen a tremendous rise in wine prices over the last decade and Spanish wines are not any more such a bargain as they were one decade before. However you will still find 5, 10 and 20 year old wines for affordable prices.

    To order a red wine in a bar you have to ask for a "un tinto por favor", white wine "un blanco por favor" and last not least rose "un rosado por favor".

    Young people in Spain have developed their own way to have wine. When having "botellones" (big outdoor parties with drink and lots of people from the same town), most of them will be mixing some red wine with coke and drink such mix straight from the coke bottle. The name of this drink is "calimocho" or "kalimotxo" (depending on the part of the country you're in) and is really very popular... But don't ask for it while in an upper class bar, or among adults, since they will most certainly not approve the idea!

    You'll have the time of your life!

    Spanish people are really fun when they drank!!! :) I'm Portuguese... a spanish neighbour!!! ;)

    Have a nice holiday!

  2. Andalucia!

    Start in Sevilla, pass through Cordoba and head towards Madrid.

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