
ELLIPSES?? does anyone know how to do these??

by  |  earlier

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Find the length of these major and minor ellipses.


(x^2/100) plus (y^2/25) =1

length of major axis _______

length of minor axis ______


(x^2/16) plus (y^2/25) =1

length of major axis _____

length og minor axis _____


x^2 plus 4y^2 =33

Length of major axis _______


x^2 plus 4y^2 =33

Length of minor axis __________




  1. 1. major axis 10

        minor axis 5

    2. major axis 5

        minor axis 4

    3. major axis rt33

    4.   minor axis (rt33)/2

  2. 1

    length of major axis : 10

    length of minor axis : 5


    length of major axis :4

    length of minor axis :5


    length of major axis :  sqrt(33)


    length of minor axis :  sqrt(33/4)

    the formula is :

    reduce to the form :

    x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2=1

    a is your major axis and b minor

  3. 1)

    Major axis = 10

    Minor axis = 5

    (these are the square roots of the numbers in the denominators)

    2) same as 1 - you work it out

    (note the major axis is the bigger number - this ellipse has its major axis on the y axis)

    3) and 4)

    x² + 4y² = 33

    x²/33 + 4y²/33 = 1

    major axis = √(33)

    minor axis = √(33/4) = √(33)/2

    note: the "+" works now - you don't have to type "plus" any more

  4. Tammy, check your textbook: It's in there somewhere.

    Your questions are the easiest form there is.  Have a try, it will come out easily.

    If you think the ellipses are aligned with the axes, you could try setting x & y to zero, one at a time & solving for the other one?

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