
ELV 10 -- isn't lifting in line-outs already permitted, despite Law 19.9(g)?

by  |  earlier

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Is this ELV just a way to make the laws match current practice, or is there something I'm missing?




  1. I think it is for lifting more than one player.

  2. In theory you cannot lift a player in the lineout. What you are permitted to do is to hold the player up, but he/she must get up first under their own steam.

  3. weve been told forever that we couldnt bind onto the jumper before the ball was thrown in so i think the law just clarifies things.

  4. yeah, until now lifting was against the rules.

    Most of the ELVs coming into play here from the start of the season are simply enforcing things that have been there before and changing old laws like lifting that were never bothered with anyway.

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