
EMA, Student Allowance - Can Anyone Help?

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I'm starting my first year of college next week - 2nd sept

I sent my application form off just over 2 weeks ago now but as of yet haven't heard back from them ( I should be able to get the max £30 a week)

Does anyone know when I'll start getting payments?




  1. They take a while to process but you should get a letter or a contract part 1, take this into your college.  If the letter comes after the start of your course then the payments will be back dated.

    0800 121 8989 This is the number of the help line, they may be able to tell you the status of your application.

  2. if u havent herd anything by the time u start college, then go to student support,but i remember last year loads of payments didnt get sorted till near xmas-but they were backdated

  3. You need to wait until you have started college. You get the payments only when you have done a complete week at college (or have a letter confirming any absences)

    However, you should probably receive a letter telling you how much you will be entitled to - if you have heard nothing at all then I would contact the finance people.

  4. When they send you another letter you have to take it back to your college and they will process it, you should get it the following week after you hand it in at college, but w/e payments you miss will be back dated anyway.

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