
EMA conditions?

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Just claimed ema & think it's soo unfair that u have to turn up every day of the week on time & in uniform to get ema allowance =(

is there any way e.g if ur late once, u don't lose ur money?





  1. EMA is c**p, I couldn't get it because they said my parents earned too much but people in the next council area down the road could get it when their parents earned the same amount as mine. It's just another completely bollocks idea from the government. Our college was stingey on it though, they wouldn't sign your form even if you were a minute late so a lot of kids missed weeks of their payments and I could laugh in their faces mwah ha ha ha! Anyway, £30 a week is f**k all. When you finish college and sign on while you look for a job you get £45 (still c**p, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick) and then when you get a job it can be anything over about £200 (depending what job it is). When I was in college I only ever spent money on beer and weed (I never even bought much of that) so I just asked my dad for the odd fiver so I could get 8 cans. I worked in Toys R Us for a bit as well, but I only done 3 months up until Christmas because I was temporary. That was c**p, but I knew I was only temporary so I just took the p**s in the end. Customers would phone up to moan and I just wouldn't give a toss it was great. I only done 4 hours on 3 nights a week so me and a couple of the other kids used to mess about on the playstations and stuff. You're better off having a part time job like that than relying on this S****y government. As you get older you'll notice more things about this government that make you angry, wait till you're on Jobseekers Allowance and they put you on New Deal - that will really test your patience with them. ;-)

  2. Make sure your tutors know why you are late and believe me you have to have a good reason.

    My son went to college and he told his tutors he was going for a dentist appointment but he didn't fill in the form for the EMA office which had to be completed about 2 days before the appt. So he lost EMA for that whole day. There is no appeal you just don't get it.

    And if you want the bonus payments during the year you have to turn up for every lesson every day !!  

    Thats why they started the EMA it was as some kids were having to go out to work to help their families and weren't able to study properly.  

    So if you aren't going to attend school or college each day I suggest you go and get a job as most of us on here are tax payers and we are providing the EMA for you !!

  3. You don't have to be in uniform at my school.. and you only get it if you're in FULL TIME EDUCATION.. therefore if you're not there the whole time, why should you get it? You could just get a job on the days when you're not at school studying.

    TBH, you're lucky even to get it.. your parents SHOULD be able to support you in your education, it's the government trying to give something BACK for once.. just be greatful.

  4. You think its unfair that you have to turn up every day???


    To get mine i have to go up 20 flights of stairs to get an EMA Card stamped at EVERY CLASS!

    I think if you take a day off and get a note from a parent, you can still get your EMA!

  5. when you get in the real world you kinda have to turn up every day and on time to get paid......

    If you cant work out the scams i aint gonna tell ya ffs

  6. If u have a good explination and actual reason for being late, then your teachers should still sign your EMA claim timetable.

    If I am running late I phone up my tutor and tell her I am late and why, and if Im not going to be in I phone up or email her and I still get ema.

    Its not actually down to EMA themselves, its up to your teachers to sign! I have been off for nearly a whole week and still got my ema, because I told my tutor why I was not in and gave her a note. she happily signed my form!

    If I ever not get paid for being late or not being in (I havent got it now in 10 weeks due to being on maternity leave) I think fair enough, I havent earned that money, I dont deserve it! so if you are late or not in without a good reason, you dont deserve it either!

  7. think of it this way if you were at work and you did not turn up on time you would not be paid . so wecome to the adult world.

  8. in our school, as long as you had a note to explain why you were late the next day then you still got it.

    infact, our school just put everyone down for full attendance anyways cos they couldnt be bothered.

  9. If your late I don't think they will allow you to get the money for that week, because the reason for EMA is to keep students in education and to make them attend lessons.

    I don't think it's unfair that you have to turn up every day to get EMA, you should think yourself lucky, I'd love to be payed for going to college.

    I don't think that they should have EMA beause it is not fair on those who do not qualify for it. I mean, it shouldn't be based on household income because a lot of people with parents who earn over £30000 a year do not get given money by there parents, they have to earn there own money and pay for a lot of things themselves.
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