
EMERGENCY! My pet rat chewed a hole in the wall and went into it!!!!!!!!! OMG! What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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The hole was right next to the bathroom, and leads into the space between the 1st and 2nd floor. By the way, I'mk not kidding and this is not a joke. Please help!




  1. lol. I'm glad you solved the problem XD!

  2. Be more careful :)

  3. Be calm.  Put the cage near the hole in the wall and put some peanut butter in the cage (or any other smelly treats it'll like).  Hopefully the smell will lure the rat back out.  You might want to turn the light out in the bathroom while you wait so it is less afraid.

    Let me know how it goes.

    EDIT: You might have to wait a bit for her to come out.  Try waiting for 5 minutes with the peanut butter idea.

    EDIT: Rats are suckers for food. :D  I'm glad she got out okay!

  4. get a rat trap

  5. u should put some sun flower seeds near the hole first colsr then farther and farther then set a trap then hopefuly u will get her back

  6. Next time be more care ful.Patch the hole now.

  7. patch the hole with the rat in the wall  and get a regular pet

  8. get alive trap and  the rats favorite  food in it that way you can catch him but it wont hurt him

  9. im glad that you found you pet again

  10. patch the hole.

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