
EMERGENCY please please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my throat hurts when i swallow, but not when i sing and talk. i think it may be due to me being exhausted because i get about four hours sleep then i have to get up to work on the set and go to rehearsal. what can i do to get it better. i open on friday and i am the lead!!!!! i've been drinking lots of tea with a butt load of honey and i've been trying to keep it warm and i've been putting vicks on my throat and wrapping it up at night, and i've also been on vocal rest until rehearsal starts. Im trying to use excellent technique so i wont actually hurt my vocal chords, my teacher says they are fine but this hurting when i swallow is driving me crazy please help me




  1. ok try a doctor really ! ppl shouldnt answer medical qs thats so wrong

  2. You need sleep, dude!!!  And someone told me that your supposed to eat bananas

  3. you probably just have a sore throat. gargle warm salt water. i know, it may sound gross, but it actually helps a lot. just dissolve any kind of salt with warm water, then gargle it. ohh, and drink lots of peppermint tea too. another thing you can do to make sure your voice is fine by friday is sleep with a humedifier in your room. it opens up your sinuses leading down to your throat, so the pain will stop. Hope that helps :-)

  4. u have broncitis

  5. I'm so sorry you're having these problems, especially before opening night.  Have you seen a doctor about this?  From what you've described, I don't think it's vocal nodes or anything like that, but you might be developing strep throat or even a cold.  If that's the case, your throat is not going to feel any better until after the "little bugs" are through having a party in your throat.  The doctor, though, may be able to give you something to save your voice for opening night.  Sometimes if you're on antibiotics for 24 hours, you'll start feeling better.  Best to go see the doctor right away!

  6. you probably have tonsillitis - swollen tonsils - so i'm sure they rub together when you swallow because they are bigger the normal.  you need to get on meds to get the swelling to go down - see your doctor.

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