
EMERGENCYI have a lump on my neck and i need to know what is im really sick:(

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EMERGENCYI have a lump on my neck and i need to know what is im really sick:(


ive had a fever for about 2 weeks 99.6-101.3

bad headaches


soreness on the left side of my neck

the lump doesnt hurt but its putting presuure

on my neck it and its hard to breath and chew

my ear hurts a little to and ive been on

antibiotics for 8 days cause they thought i had an infection

and my heart feels like its out of wack itll beat really fast and then

go reall slow

nooo one wants to do anything and im scared i dont feel good at all

and 14 the only thing is i had brain surgery but they say thats not the cause i have nooooo clue i know i need to see the doctor but they dont want to see untill 4 weeks from now but the thing is growing:(




  1. your probably gonna die

  2. first if you are having trouble breathing, that IS a medical emergency and you should go to your nearest emergency room regardless if you have insurance.

    did the fever coincide with the lump appearing? did anything traumatic occur at the onset? (blunt trauma for instance.) where exactly on your neck is it?

    try tylenol for the fever, unless you are allergic. your heart palpitations could have many different causes. I suspect that the stress of your problem could be a major factor.

    with the ear pain and fever, i would definitely suspect an infection.

    also - does your neck hurt when you touch your chin to your chest? if so, there is a possibility of meningitis - a serious condition where the meninges of the brain and/or spinal cord is infected - could cause paralysis and death. SEE A HEALTH-CARE PROVIDER!

  3. while you are sick, lymph nodes sometimes swell up to the size of an almond...if it is much larger than that, you need to go to the hospital right now, or call your doctor and ask for advice. he will probably tell you the same thing.

    please take care of yourself and don't wait!

  4. Go to the hospital if your doctor is being stupid.

  5. It sounds like swollen glands to me.  But, I'm not a doctor.  If I were you, and I would go to the Emergency Room, or Immediate Care Facility.  There is no reason your doctor shouldn't see you if you have been on antibiotics for 8 days and you are not feeling better.

  6. best advice is to go to the hospital.

  7. It sounds like the lump on your neck is a swollen gland which is due to being sick especially if you are sick.  If the antibiotic isn't working then tell your doctor and he can prescribe another one.

  8. Don't be a fool and don't try to get self-diagnosed or evaluated here.

    Go straight to the ER!!  It could be fatal.  

  9. Go to the emergency room or find another doctor.

  10. ITs probalby just part of a sore throat. This is where your glands are and it sounds like they are swollen. If your that sick i think you should go see a doctor just incase.

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