
ENGLISH HELP-SENSE AND SENSIBILITY and how it compares to this specfic quote?

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the quote is "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challende and contraversy."-Martin Luther King

-what does the quote means...and then using Sense and Sensibilty support why I agree with quote

I'm not looking for the answer, just but a way to explain how Colonel Brandon or Edward Ferras and Robert Ferrars are put in uncomfortable sistuations with the Dashwood girls how that over come the akwardness and specifc examples in which i can explain this




  1. I'm sorry, but I can't help you.  I hate Jane Austin.  I'd like to slap everyone of her characters.

  2. Well, in relation to the quote, Willoughby shows the true measure of himself in being a coward and flying away from challenge and contraversy, first when he abandons Colonel Brandon's daughter and then when he abandons Marianne.  On the flip side, Edward stands true to his colors and his honor in being willing to keep his promise to marry someone, even though he finds he is in love with Eleanor.  In essence, they are presented with the same situation, and their "true measure" is shown by how they handle it.

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