
ENergy Drinks. I think i am addicted to them. How can i quite the caffeine, sugar high addiction?

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I love the energy drink Rockstar. but it is bad for you. i also realize that if i am addicted to Rockstar, especially at a young teenager growing age, i may get addicted to other worse things in time. HElp please. i also find it hard to refuse, the temptations are big, as my friends who i love do not want to break their "fun addiction."




  1. There are plenty of books and websites out there on caffeine addiction.  It is the most common addiction in the USA.  One place to start is:

    I'm no addiction expert, but my husband is 32 and addicted to Rockstar/Red Bull.  He is so addicted to caffeine that he gets intense headaches and withdrawal symptoms if he doesn't get his regular dosage each day.  You are right to be concerned that a "fun addiction" when you are young can easily progress into a long-term habit you wish you would've broken long ago, when it would have been easier for you.  

    Well-wishers always tell you that "you'll wish you never started" when you get older.  They are not trying to mother you or nag you - they are trying to help you avoid a rough time because they know from personal experience.  And young people (myself included) have a tendency to think they have all the time in the world to quit bad habits before they are totally hooked.  "I can quit anytime!"  Well, my husband started with energy drinks as a teen, and is now struggling as a true addict to quit them after $20,000 in dental work, including 8 cavities due mostly to the sugary, acidic energy drinks.  I also started smoking cigarettes in high school, thinking I wasn't really addicted. Well, seven years later I can tell you I am also STILL struggling with this horrible addiction.  

    So, my advice would be to ignore your friends and do what feels right to YOU!  I think you're onto something when you say you know it's bad for you.  It is bad, and if you can't turn it down with ease, you are addicted.  Quit while it's still relatively easy for you, and before you spend years of your life working just to pay off the dental and health expenses your habit is sure to cause you if it is left unchecked.

  2. Yup this can lead to problems for you down the road. I know a man who has gotten kidney stones twice from drinking energy drinks and he is now on his third set. He just won't give them up. If you want to slow down on them try drinking only half a can for awhile and then maybe one every other day and so on till you can cut them out completely. Also energy drinks are usefull sometimes so if you want a healthy energy drink there are links to many good ones at I think they even have a few free trials.

  3. gatorade  

  4. I had to cut out caffeine completely because I started having heart problems (caused by genes, not caffeine) and it's definitely hard to do. I still have cravings and it's been a year, but it's definitely possible. Especially if you have the desire to change, which you obviously do. I would say to start out with when you start craving a rockstar, replace it with a coke, or a different kind of soda that you like. Soda still has a lot of caffeine, but it's not as bad as a rockstar, and maybe if you break your dependency on that one drink it'll be easier to cut your addiction to caffeine in general. You'll probably have headaches for a while, but drink a lot of water and hold out and you should be fine. After you switch over to soda, move to a non caffeinated soda, like root beer or even better, try some juice! Good luck, I know it's hard!  

  5. ok i have the same problem as you! i love my rockstars! i have a problem diabetic! i have found a solution tho. there are sugar free rockstar drinks. in blue cans. they have no sugar and half the caffeine and guarine or whatever its called but it still gives me that pick me up and they taste great.

    as for your addiction, i have been addicted to more then just rockstars and believe me they are tough to break, stay away from hard drugs...i know from experience. they are bad and WILL ruin your life!

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