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Nevermind the at witts end part lol but heres the story.. Well i have this 10 month old Mutt his name is TeddyBear but just Teddy for short well we had him in the house up untill right before summer and thats because i could not get him housebroken ive tried everything takeing him out when he woke up, rubbing his nose in it, saying no bad dog when he went but everytime when i took him out he wouldnt go but as soon as brought him in he went i dont no what his problem is but thats why hes outside n e way i want to try to get him housebroken and bring him back inside if i could crate him at night caz i refuse to give up on him and make him an outside dog forever. my mom and dad dosent like him caz he goes to the bathroom in the house but they just dont see him like i do i see a sweet hearted dog who loves everyone but im sure theyll see that 2 if i can get him housebroken please is there any tequniques you might know that could help me please:(((( ANY HELP/INFO IS DEEPLY AND GREATLY APPRICIATED:((((( PLEASE




  1. Unless you catch him in the act of going inside, don't show him the spot or try to correct him - dogs live in the present, and don't understand a correction for something they did even a minute before.  Showing him the spot only tells him not to go in that spot, but not where he should go.

    Get him a crate, and when you cannot be with him, he goes in the crate.  When you let him out of the crate, take him immediately outside to a particular area of the yard that will be his "potty spot".  Do not come inside until he goes in his spot.  Then a lot of praise and the occasional cookie.

    No dog should be relegated to live a life outside, especially when it is simply a matter of training.  Work with him and get him on a feeding and walking schedule.

    If your parents absolutely refuse to allow him inside, then you might consider rehoming him to a place where he can live inside with people, where he should be.

  2. First, you need a crate.  A crate should never be used for punishment, but rather used a place to keep your pup out of trouble.  Teddy will love that he has a place of his own, as long as you introduce it and use it consistently as a happy place!  Please remember that this potty training wont happen over night AND it's going to take your WHOLE FAMILY'S COOPERATION to make it work.

    OK, get a crate.  I'd introduce it to Teddy in the yard, since that's where he is most comfortable right now.  Pull out some yummy treats and throw them one at a time into the crate.  When he goes in to get the treat, tell him (in your happiest voice), GOOD BOY!!!!  He'll probably come out now.  Throw another treat in - GOOD BOY!!!  Do this several times over, until you feel he's OK with being in there.  Now, put in a treat.  When he's inside, close the door ONLY FOR A SECOND - Say GOOD BOY!!! Open the door. Throw in a treat, dog in, close door, 2 seconds, GOOD BOY!!!  Open the door.  Increase your time by one second until you get to 10.  TAKE A BREAK!  Continue to do this until you have built up a reasonable amount of time of him being COMFORTABLE in the crate.  As time increases, give him a longer lasting treat in the crate (chew toys, etc).

    Now, when he's in the house, he has to be supervised at all times!!  I would highly recommend putting a leash on Teddy and tying him to you.  This way you KNOW where his is and what he is doing.

    Never "free" feed him.  Measure out a morning and evening meal.  After he eats, take him to a spot in the yard and don't let him leave that spot until he poops and pees.  It will help if you can use a closed corner or exercise pen for this.  No play time until he does his business!  You will need to be patient!  When he goes - GOOD BOY!!!  Give him rubs and loves!  If he only did half the job, wait until he goes, then praise him all over again.  After he's done BOTH, make a HUGE deal out of it!  Play, run, fetch, whatever he loves.  Then go in the house and explore together.  If he has a big drink and he hasn't peed for a while, outside to the corner....

    Remember that if he doesn't have the opportunity to pee/poo in the house, he will not think he should go there.  If he ALWAYS goes outside, he will only WANT to go outside.

    I wish you and your family the best of luck in this.  It does take some work, but if you all work together for the dogs best interest, he will be a loyal and loving pet for years to come!

  3. Patience! Crate him at night, and take him outside every 10 mins throughout the day. Make sure you feed him at appropriate times and take up his food after dinner time which should not be too late...7 pm. Also, give him lots of praise and treats when he goes potty outside.

  4. Your spelling and sentence structurecould use some work too.

    Check out this link, read the entire article and get a crate.

    No more punishing the dog with "No, bad dog" or rubbing his nose in the mess.  Those are old methods that never worked.

    House Training Rule Number One: This is The Most Important Rule – If you don't catch your puppy doing it - then don't punish him for it!

    House Training Rule Number Two: Praise your puppy when things go right. Don't let this be a situation where your only action is saying "No" when they are caught in the midst of using the wrong area. If they do it right – let them know!

  5. Put him in time out

  6. I had the same problem with my dog.  I was so frustrated.  I had him in a crate and I trained him to use the dog pads.  Then it was hard to get him to go outside.  One day it just clicked and he started going outside.  Just keep to a routine and he will eventually get it.      

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