
ERGENT!!! Im realllllllly panicing!!!?

by  |  earlier

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after hours of searching, I finaly found her!!

im so relieved...

she was in my dresser with my clothes

but I dont know how she got in there


she was icy cold though!!!

so now shes in her tank warming up





  1. Yay you got her back.

    No need for me then. *cool face*

  2. search for someplace warm. if she's not eaten recently check the kitchen, thats the most likely place she'll find any its the place where mice tend to go first. Try not to panic.

  3. hello.

    your snake has gotten free of it's cage,huh...?


    i suggest you look for any dark and warm places.i don't know anything about your household arrangement so you must just look at some hiding places.warm,damp and safe holes can be a suitable hiding place for most snakes.mostly they hide there to hide from predators and ambush an upcoming prey.look at any holes and pleaces where you think that the snake would hide.

    remember:dakr,damp and safe places.look over there.

    and i suggest looking under the fridge too or inside empty mouse'll come around after some time to look for prey like rats and all that.don't worry.

    i hope i helped!

  4. Under your bed, in the bathroom, under EVERYTHING. Make sure you check your closet and in your couch! ANYWHERE warm!

  5. why are you on the computer?

    you should be snake hunting. haha.

  6. I answered your other question about this, but don't be so quick to throw downstairs out of the thought. Snakes can be ANYWHERE. Your snake could easily get downstairs and in to the kitchen (The fridge is a good place to look because its very warm underneath)

  7. Think of the one spot u don't think she'll get. Thats where. Anywhere warm, If possible she could get in walls an coil around hot water pipes. I saw a story once about a python who had coiled itself behind the dashboard of a car.

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