
ESP, coincidences???

by Guest32461  |  earlier

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I've been going through a lot lately, A LOT.

But the question is...

For a week now I have so much "ESP" type of coincidences.

Kinda like clairvoyance.

Its been so much that i could write a list of these happenings.

Like small things...

for example, i think about someone at 1:30am who i havent seen or talked to since i dated him 6 months ago.

he calls RANDOMLY to see how i am doing right afterwards. (and it wasnt for a booty call, lol).

and then the day after i went to a random house party and i didnt know anyone. that night these RANDOM people started playing a cd of his best friend who passed away.

big things too...

I was driving in my car in the morning and thought about car accidents and later that night i got into a car accident.

i know some things are coincidental but trust me...

this is VERY odd. if i could write a list you wouldnt believe it.

My best friend has been with me a few times and she couldnt believe it.




  1. this happens to me alot....  when im talking on the phone to some1 an i have the tv on at the same time...  when i say somthing on the phone then some1 on tv repeats the exact same phrase or word i jus said right after i said it or almost at the same time...   its sooooo wierd an freekey...  like they can here me an repeat wat i say...  an whenever i think about some1 famous like an actor that i usualy never think about an havent thot of in years...  well then that same person will suddenly be on tv or the news that same day...  usualy cuz he DIED or somthing else bad happend...  its all so freekey...  i think i must have some physic in me...

  2. thoughts become things- what you think about you bring about

  3. Confirmation bias.

  4. It's the neverending dilemma: do we attract things, do we make them happen or are we just foreseeing them?

    That's why mind training techniques are always perfected: a still, clear, robust mind both keeps bad stuff away and helps you deal with potential bad stuff which occur.

    TR here is very safe in his disbelief: he can think of anything and won't be touched, because his skepticism works as a solid wall against mishaps.

    You're not. Yet. Keep your mind occupied with nice thoughts - telepathy and anything else works, but it's not mentally healthy to turn anything into obsessions.


    I know you're not immune - I wish you were; but you do not attract them into your life. The downside is that, not believing in 'supernatural', reality control through the mind and so on, some people live like leafs into the wind - they are pushed towards mishaps sometimes.

  5. Hi, I think you're right to say that these things are very coincidental. You probably think about your old bf more than you realize. I think about car accidents all the time when I'm driving, it's just part of being a careful driver.

    EDIT: "solid wall against mishaps"?  I can't make heads or tails of that. I wish I had a "solid wall against mishaps". Something like that could come in handy.

  6. Hello, hello.-:)

    I am not knowing about these things and I search answers myself. I experience that what you experience at the moment since many years. Not daily. I learned now to just trust it. I even, if I get a sense about something like an accident or so, to take extra care if on the street. I see this as warnings to help us.

    This with the phone happens to me extremely often, that I see suddenly a persons face and I can be 98 percent sure that I will receive from exact this person a phone call, email or post in the next 24 hours.

    I had also " strong" experiences when I thought I go crazy when I had repeating visions about a person. I then told the person about this, apologizing at the same time telling that I might be schizophrenic and this person was blown away by the accuracy of what I saw, especially about things he has not talked about to anybody. Still this does not mean I am proud of that or I believe that everything I see must be true, in the opposite I am very very sceptically as in such areas, fantasy and illusions can play a big part. If I sense something bad about a person, which happened to me approximately 7 times, I now usually react straight away giving this person a ring, still am I aware that I could err. The strange thing is if I sense it in a certain way I have not erred once in this regard, but this does still not mean I trust it 100 percent.

    If you get these type of hunches I would just follow them and interpretate them perhaps as some kind of guidance, without loosing your ability to reason in the process.

  7. all i can say is dont think of anything bad lol think of lots of things u want to happen sometimes tho ur just more intune with ur mind n the things going on around u for a long time when i was younger i kept hearing peoples thoughts i mean only like one word or something but once i heard a whole phrase my friend said n i looked at her n said what n she gave me one of those i didnt say anything looks n when i repeated what i heard she was like i def didnt say that but i was thinking it it was creepy i let that kinda stuff get away tho but i wouildnt worry too much if u work with it it could really work to ur advantage dont push it away tho u'll regret it let it come to u maybe one day u will be able to control it more just watch out n be more aware of things taht r going on

  8. Normally with dejavu, something happens that the individual can swear they have already seen, heard, or did what is present. I've had multiple cases of dejavu to the point that they start turning into brief day dream flashes prior to when something happens.

    Usually the only way I can make sense of the glimpses is by how I feel emotionally when I glimpse. Usually, I know the mood of the situation, who is involved, and why there is a situation. The best brief glimpse I had of a situation was about six to eight hours before the situation happened.

    If there is a day you have free time and you have dejavu, meditate a little and try to open your mind. You should have an increased rate of dejavu to the point that its no longer dejavu but glimpses. This is what I did.

  9. I have also had "coincedences" add up to messages. But they are usually pretty strong... things that go way beyond coincedence. This is one of the ways that spirit can communicate with us, although I am still not clear how they can manipulate so much .

  10. It's called syncronicity by some but I call it cocreation.  Your mind is probably manifesting those events.  We live in a very very fluid world. Looks like you peeked at that fact.
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