
ESSAY question please help me ?

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I have to write an essay and what to clarify something. is an essay writing things in your own words and crediting the source?




  1. An essay can be written anyway you like as long as it is original

  2. Essays usually take the form of a question which you answer in the first paragraph, you also go on to provide brief reasons for your answer. The next paragraphs go into more details on your reasons in order. Then you have a conclusion. Now, you can use your own words OR direct quotes - there are no rules about that as long as you reference appropriately. There are many reference styles, some are "in text" and others use footnotes. It doesn't matter which one you use as long as you are consistent.  

  3. The five-paragraph essay:

    Some students' first exposure to the genre is the five paragraph essay, a highly structured form requiring an introduction presenting the thesis statement; three body paragraphs, each of which presents an idea to support the thesis together with supporting evidence and quotations; and a conclusion, which restates the thesis and summarizes the supporting points. The use of this format is controversial. Proponents argue that it teaches students how to organize their thoughts clearly in writing; opponents characterize its structure as rigid and repetitive.

  4. An essay is just writing on a particular subject, and answering the question put to you.  It has a beginning, middle and end. And yes, it is writing things in your own words. I don't believe you need a bibliography in an essay.

  5. as long as it makes sense too

  6. one should write an essay with his own knowledge and opinion. your thoughts should go wild. if it is informative, write the thins you have to with an opinion about them.

  7. On the whole no it isn't but it does depend on the subject and any information you are given at the start. But mostly essays are about researching yourself then writing it up in a correct manner with a conclusion at the end.

  8. 3rd person narrative unless it states that you should express your opinion.

  9. essay is writing sumting in your own words,there is no right and wrong for essays exep for your grammar and speling

  10. You are supposed to be presenting a factual discussion about whatever the point of the question is. If you are AJP Taylor you can get away with extemporising your essay - but for everyone else you need to demonstrate you have read widely and used your sources wisely to present a balanced argument which addressed the pertinent issues. It is in your own words but must acknowledge your sources of information or argument, thus avoiding the sin of plagiarism.

  11. you can use sources for your work. Like quotes but you must state where they are and where you got them from. Your basically can't get credit for anyone elses stuff.

  12. yes. try not to be bias but point out your points and give credit to ur source. teachers love quotes, so if you can, find a good one for your essay, like at   good luck!

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