
ETA victims ask for " truth and justice" for the Franco

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Franco victims often repeat that " second victims " feel that while the terrorist, they explain, have access to justice, a special address in Interior an office to meet them, counseling, honors and awards, they only find support outside their country: in Argentina judge has opened a case against the crimes of the Civil War and dictatorship, and the UN, which has thrown the ears several times to Spain not meet their demands. On Sunday, the former judge of Baltasar Garzon asked ETA victims recognize and help to Francoism. The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), the majority, consulted by this newspaper, has refused to rule on the matter. But other victims of ETA do want to come out publicly in support of the families of the missing Civil War and dictatorship.

"They should have the same rights: truth, justice and reparation, like us," says Mari Carmen Hernández, Jesús MarÃ_a Pedrosa widow, PP councilor in Durango (Vizcaya) killed by ETA in 2000. For her, both shot by Falangist as dead by the terrorist group " defending the freedoms, killed for his ideas." "The government should commit and not violate the rights of the victims of Francoism."

Joaquin Vidal, president of the Andalusian Association of Victims of Terrorism, also believes that " all victims of gender violence, the Francoism, the terrorist, should be assisted and protected equally. The pain is the same. "

Robert Manrique survivor largest slaughter of ETA, the Hipercor bombing that killed 21 people in 1987, believes that the victims of Francoism have an "added suffering ": " suffer neglect and suffer because they have not been able to bury their dead. " Asked why he thinks the victims of Francoism not have the same rights, responds: " The authorities have been victims of ETA in a vein of partisan use. With the Franco regime, after so many years forgotten, thought nobody was going to ask for them. Do not give the political benefits that give some victims of terrorism. "

Manrique recalls that long ETA victims suffered neglect and misunderstanding like. " Until 1999 there was no law of solidarity with the victims of terrorism. The lead of Franco waiting 70 years and still have no legislation they deserve. "

Historical memory law, passed in 2007, provided for grants to fund the exhumation, but the Government of Rajoy has removed these items and also closed the office for the victims of Franco.

Maite Pagazaurtundua sister deJoseba, former head of the Municipal Police Andoain (Gipuzkoa) killed by ETA in 2003, invited the victims of Francoism to meet them - a member of the Collective of Victims of Terrorism in the Basque Country, Covite -y " share experiences. " However, he believes that in some respects those who have it better. " In one part of the Basque Country ETA still seen as something negative, but no territory of the national territory in which there are hundreds of people it seems right that made Franco" he says.

Villa Irene 's mother, MarÃ_a Jesús González, revealed that at a meeting in 2006 then President Zapatero said he was able to put in place because his grandfather had been killed in the Civil War. The sentence provoked controversy. " How can you compare? We are not at war, " replied indignantly.

 Tags: ETA, Franco, Justice, truth, victims


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