
EU Members who are not NATO members?

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The EU members Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Malta and Cyprus are not NATO members. Why not?

What is the reason that they refuse to be in the "Club"? Seems they don't want protection by World Police against attacks from the axis of evil? (i.E. the protection againt "Iranian" missiles far away from Iran in Nato friendly Poland?)

Life seems to be quite unsafe in these 6 countries...;-)




  1. All I want to tell you people This so called EU what is the short form for " Extra Unhappy" There is no such thing as Protection or Brotherhood! In the EU, exist a gestapo system what you call the "Euro pol"which joins in hands with inter pol! Now this organization only try to catch criminals that are not prepared to share their booty with the EU!

    This is the most corrupt organization of our modern times!

    I live in the country that had the crazy idea of forming the european union! This was a member of it's royal family member, which was very corrupt! This man took a lot of bribes and also served in the n**i regime! Before he died he confessed all his sins but his confessions were not made public because it would errupt the EU and it's so called ideas as one Europe!

    Good that there are nations like Iran that have a atom bomb! This is a stick behind the door to beat the demons back to their place!

    Why should the EU interfere with Iran about atomic wapens when every EU nation and Nato nato all possess an atomic bomb?If we really want to make this earth a safe place , then let all nations destroy all their wapens, atom bombs and avoid all wars! Why don't they spread just brotherly or one family love and make this world a living paradise?This what the EU doesn't want! Because, then all these corrupt b******s will not be important anymore and everyone of them will have to work together to make this earth a paradise! They are all lazy and just want to live a comfortable life at the cost of the poor people that are their slaves!

    The EU have made this barcode system with food products thatdrug it's people with all kinds of E-enzymes that people are just living like druged animals that do not know what they are doing or saying! They are all brain washed with the help of mind control with the help of the Illuminatis.

    If you ever get the chance to escape out of this spiodres web then warn your children to do so! because their lives will become a h**l soon! The future kids are all doomed!

    In the Netherlands ; instead of helping the down trodded group of people, they are just, playing games in pinpointing about Muslims, Burkas and other stupid affairs of self made theories about Alqaida terrorists etc.

    The Dutch people are one of the most genetically defective people in their thinking and selfishness! They created the EU but every foreignher that comes into this country to work are just descriminated by telling them to learn dutch language! where as these cruupt people when they go to other countries are treated in a loving and civilized way! When will the world see alll this???.........Alan

  2. Most of them are generally neutral. Turkey won't allow Cyprus to join. I have no idea about Malta.

    And yes, everyone knows that the missile shield is not there to stop Iranian missiles.

  3. im from cyprus and i dont want my country to enter nato

  4. I don't really know how should I take it as 'life seems to be quite unsafe'.In Malta's case it's not true.We are a peace nation and the reason we don't want to be NATO members is because we want to stay neutral and don't want to go to wars.

    We are EU members but EU members can still have the wish not to belong to NATO.EU and NATO are different from each other.

    If you mean in the 'crimal's way' Malta has the lowest crime rate in Europe so it's very safe.Besides we have very good relations with other nations so we are far from safe.

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