
EU - United we stand (against uniformity)?

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Isn't it time for a pan european freedom organisation to be established?

Loads of english people support free trade but have serious concerns over the politics of the EU - surely there are similar groups in other EU countries?

I beleive in freedom for all which demands the possiblity of diverstity between countries, their cultures, their politics and their religion etc. Standardisation//uniformity is the enemy of freedom. I also beleive that the country/state is about the right size for the separation of these major diversities - large enough to provide stability, small enough to allow others their own space elsewhere to exercise their preferred way of life.

Is there an international organisation that supports and promotes any simiar view?




  1. I feel the same about this EU madness. Its going to a wrong direction now, with making everything the same everywhere with all the directives among other things.

    If we look at the basic idea of travelling on holidays, people do it to see somethin different than they are used to. I dont know anyone who wants  to see paris to eat at mc donalds, buy things from Lidl etc.

    I was at sweden last summer, and i was a bit shocked that almost half of people in a shopping center were from africa or arab countries.

    Naive examples I admit, but after 200 years the current way, you cant tell a difference between stuttgart and london. Wichcrafthunt of people who love their original european country, are constantly accused of being nationalists or racists, and there are already all kinds of laws covering that progress, and it would already take a small civil war to stop EU to slipping into one big plate of average culturemix-porage no-one wants to eat.

  2. there's a lot of Scottish people who support this, and hate the EU. I'm one of them. and i guess they have this one in north America.


    Please note that the EU (and this association within the EU) stands against uniformity as it promotes the rights and the culture of endangered minorities (not immigrants) in Europe.

    The association itself is conservative and against massive immigration.

    Its head is Otto v. Habsburg who organized the picnic at the Austrian-Hungarian border which lead to the first breach in the iron curtain and the subsequent fall of the East Bloc.

    As more small countries join the EU there will be a higher will to encourage OUR OWN cultural diversity against uniformization.

    Please note that the UK immigration policy has been done independantly from the EU one... we need together to implement a common one which will be strict and give the preference to migrants from other developed countries, especially western ones.

  4. EU means a super economic bloc against other countries.

  5. the people of this country voted to become members of the eec  a free trade orginisation NOT the eu a power hungry politicians gravy train that the people of this country are sick fed up with, TIME UP BROWN WE WANT TO BUST UP THE ILLEGAL UNION

  6. right now the EU is the single most dangerous organisation against freedom in the Europe/world.

    look at who runs and governs it look at its methods and goals. the USSR said everyone was equal and the same with one belief, one standard and one mind on everything.  and look art what happened to the people and what happened in the end . poverty, corruption,  ruling class above the law, no account ability. most of all the powerful controlled the financial market and food. the people were poor barely fed most of all abused by the state.

    if you look closely at the EU and the treaty ,its methods and goals, you will see it no different than the old Communist charter

    i for one will fight the EU till i die. i am a Scot im not European. i cam make my own mind up. i know how to think i don't need the EU to do it for me.

    EU and its proponents can PIS@ OFF

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