
EU approves sending troops to Central African Republic

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The foreign ministers of the EU agreed on Monday the first step towards deploying a military mission in Central African Republic, where the conflict between Muslims and Christians has intensified since last December, to help stabilize the country. In addition, also on Monday, the mayor of Bangui, Catherine Samba- Panza, has been named interim president of the country, according to the UN. Twenty-eight have given the green light to a possible military deployment constitutes " political framework" for the operation, which in any case require the UN mandate and the approval of a new resolution. The mission, according to EU sources, would last six months. The Veintiocho have identified the EU headquarters in Larissa, France.

Member States have yet to close the details of the operation, including the number of troops necessary - France and contributed over 1,500 troops, though a priori sending a battalion is contemplated, with a maximum of 1,000 soldiers, according to European sources. Estonia was the only one who has announced his contribution to the operation, which will provide 55 military, although countries such as Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Romania and Slovenia studying their potential contribution as European sources have stated. Britain, Italy and Germany will not contribute to the mission, according to Al Jazeera.

Twenty-eight have advanced to the European operation will "temporary " basis for a period of " six months " to create an environment of security " in the region of Bangui " - African capital with a view to "give witness " the mission of the African Union (MISCA).

" Military force and contribute in their area of ​​operations, international and regional efforts to protect the most endangered populations and contribute to the freedom of movement of civilians. Assembly efforts will create the conditions for the provision of humanitarian aid to those who have needs, " Twenty-eight have advanced, which emphasize the importance of having " close cooperation " with the authorities of the Central African Republic, the UN, the African Union and France, among others to ensure" complementarity "on the efforts of each party.

"The rapid procedure we have adopted provides that after the Council's decision to launch the operation can have the initial deployment in 30 days " have advanced European sources. The mission could take over airport security in the capital, now run by the French forces, according to European sources have advanced.

 Tags: African, approves, central, EU, Republic, sending, troops


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