I am British & my husband non-EU European. We live in NL for 6 years & upon renewal of the 5 year residence permit, he received a permanent residents permit.
To visit my parents in the UK, he has get a 6 months visa - it's free but the procedure is cumbersome
Upon this permanent residence status I contacted the British embassy. Bearing in mind that EU nations can travel to the UK visa-free on an ID card, I asked if hubby could do that. I received a one sentence answer (in bad grammatical English!) effectively saying no.
I have been reading up e.g. on the EU council directives on long-term foreign residents and from what I understand this determines that long-term residents should be able to receive the same rights as EU nationals (moving/visiting) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/oj/2004/l_016/l_01620040123en00440053.pdf
Could anyone confirm this (one way or the other) for sure please