
EU warning to Switzerland that his decision will affect trade relations

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The European Commission regrets that the Swiss have decided to do away with freedom of movement between the two governing territories since 2002. " The free movement of people is sacred to the European Union", said this morning the EU executive 's spokesman. This representative reminded that the pacts between Bern and Brussels are an advantageous access to the European market that Swiss will now affected products. " We can not accept such restrictions on the movements without having an impact on the rest of agreements we have signed," he warned.

Brussels did not want to venture what will be the practical consequences of the Swiss referendum in which 50.3% of the voters approved yesterday limiting the entry of Europeans in that country. The Commission wants to wait to see what the federal government does after the popular decision. "The ball is now in the court of the Swiss Executive, must see how they translate yesterday's decision," spokeswoman has abounded. Also shown prudent President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz: "I regret the decision [... ] but accept the democratic decision of the Swiss people."

More explicit are some representatives of the member countries. German Foreign Minister Frank -Walter Steinmeier, considered "harmful to Switzerland because lafama lives being an open country and because the Swiss economy immigration dependsproperties well qualified professionals from Europe and trade with its partners " result. Germany has the most potentially affected by Swiss twist, it is the largest country in the Swiss foreign community. Steinmeier warns that if Switzerland " takes advantage of the benefits, you must also accept the negative aspects [ of their relationship with the EU]. "

Also the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, considered "disturbing" the outcome of the vote. The trade ministers are meeting Monday in Brussels will have the opportunity to analyze the consequences of the anti-immigration referendum.

Much warmer was the head of British diplomacy. William Hague has said that we must " respect the results of the referendum in Switzerland," although " it is clear that there must be negotiations." The issues raised by the Swiss is very similar to the UK proposed to establish quotas for EU citizens themselves, with the aggravating circumstance that, unlike Switzerland, United Kingdom itself is part of the EU.

 Tags: affect, decision, EU, relations, Switzerland, trade, warning


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