
EVE OF DESTRUCTION: Do you believe we are on the eve of destriction? The eastern world it is explodin',......?

by Guest33447  |  earlier

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Violence flarin', bullets loadin', You're old enough to kill but not for votin',

You don't believe in war, what's that gun you're totin',

And even the Jordan river has bodies floatin',

But you tell me over and over and over again my friend,

Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

Don't you understand, what I'm trying to say?

Can't you see the fear that I'm feeling today?

If the button is pushed, there's no running away,

There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave,

Take a look around you, boy, it's bound to scare you, boy, And you tell me over and over and over again my friend, Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin',

I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin',

I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation,

Handful of Senators don't pass legislation,

And marches alone can't bring integration,.........




  1. If Putin keeps his threat to invade Poland if we install missiles in Kazakhstan, then we all could be looking at a nuclear war.  The Russians more militant stance threatens everything. I sure don't see us backing down.

  2. Once the flowery metaphor is dispensed with, the world is a very calm and stable place.

  3. Not only the western, but the whole world is exploding. And not because of the nuclear threat, but because of the global warming, which has already changed the climate with all the consequences we already observe.

    Zones of formerly mild weather already become deserts, and that's easy to see at the southern european countries - the island of Crete has already entered this zone, there is already severe lack of water in Africa, the short of rains make the forests more vulnerable resulting millions of acres burnt down each summer (S. Italy, Greece, Turkey, U.S.A. etc), the sea is getting heavily polluted and the rain forests of South America get destroyed every day more, resulting lack of oxygen.

    Endangered species disappear completely, causing thus a further damage to the chain of nature - life, part of which is also mankind.

    U.S.A., China and India won't ever reconsider their environmental policy, the exploitation of Alaska is about to begin, the polar ice is melting everyday more.

    The next world war will be for water, not for oil.      

  4. I am at the eve of my own destruction. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if your question still here, I will come back to answer it and talk about the world.

    Now I am deep inside myself, it is becoming hard to read, write and express myself.

    Take care.

    Sunday 31st.

    Sorry, I forgot to come back to answer you. I have been reading some news, one is still in my head, the UN said that this year the ozone layer will have a "normal" whole. They do not explain the meaning of "normal", that makes me thing that we are not at the eve but rather at the Age of Destruction.

  5. ...yes, the eastern world now exert power of control over military might, populace and oil...

    ...and doesn't want to be in the back seat any more...

  6. No, but wouldn't it be kinda cool? I mean, we shall die anyway, wouldn't it be quite an experience to witness the Second Coming of Christ?

  7. I LOVE this song. Barry McGuire's version is my favourite. Yes, the world is in complete desperation and despair, but only because of us human's. If it wasn't for us and our hatred, greed and selfishness the world would be rather fabulous! This song sums it all up far better than I ever could.

    Yes, we're on the eve of destrucion.

  8. Yes.

  9. My answer to this is the usual one: There are war mongers (in The White House, 10 Downing St. etc., not in the Kremlin), so there is some kind of a danger. But let's pray that nothing serious will happen.

  10. I quite honestly don't think so.  The Western world is currently not under a nuclear threat, and if any of the Middle-Eastern nations launched a nuclear attack upon, say, America,  they'd be swiftly dealt with and that would be the proverbial that.

  11. E che dovevano dire i paesi mediterranei quando arrivavano i saraceni e violentavano distruggevano e si impossessavano di tutto? Mio caro, l'uomo è l'animale più pericoloso per sé e per la natura. Per fortuna ora esiste un forte Occidente democratico!


  12. Ciao Stige perché in inglese?

    Vabbè parlerò anche io i ing.

    Actualy i dont belive in the end of the word, becouse if i tink so, why i have to live?. Infact if i know that the word will finish i cant live like every day.

  13. In Revelation, the last book in the Bible, namely the revelation made by John of God, we can find the happenings of the future.

    Assoigliano really so obvious and clear that you described ...

    We are living today, that book was written more than 2000 years ago ...

    A good intenditor few words ...

    A kiss


  14. I'm very surprised to hear it... because every day I wake up I wonder: 'So, we are still here?' I think we are walking to the way of our destruction but to be optimist... good morning and have a wonderful life! :D

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