
EVERYONE ANSWER. which pet is better?

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i want a lot of people to answer. this is just a friendly competition and its an easy two points. i have heard people loving rats and guinea pigs, so which one do you think is better?




  1. I love them both equally. I have never actually owned a pet rat but I have researched them a lot.

    I love Guinea Pigs because they are just so darn cute! Even though they don't really like to be held, they make the cutest little oinks and have really adorable piggy lips! Plus, they're cheap to care for.

    I love rats because they are very social and intelligent. Who knew a rodent could be SMART? The only thing I don't like about them is the tail, but I got over it a while ago. They are great pets and well worth the efforts.

  2. GUINEA PIGS the less likely to run away but i love both

  3. RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! hairless ones furry ones, dumbo ones, fancy ones, alllllllllllllll soooo cute! get em and be acute rat owner!

  4. Guinea pig but HAMSTERS are better

  5. guinea piggys :D

  6. guinea pigs for sure!

  7. i think they are both cute...

    but piggys are the kind of animal i just wanna squeeze..

  8. it rele depends on the person, personally

    the pigs

    i hope i can help

  9. g. pigs.

    (but if i had to pick the best rodent of all, it would be mice!!!!!)

  10. It depends on what you want.

    You want something you can rough house with you should get a dog

    Want something quiet and small just to hold and talk to chinchillas are fun last 14 years like a dog. Or less lifespanded guinae pigs.

    Its just what your looking for in a pet

  11. guinea pigs

  12. rats,rats are smarter and more lovable than g.pigs.they stay on ur shoulder and dont move,you can teach them tricks,even how to play hide and go seek,i taught my rats how.g.pigs always seem like they are scared and dont want to be cant teach them tricks.

  13. Guinea pigs... The fatter the kind of animal, the cuter! And rats have tails! Ick!

  14. both are gross, dogs are THE best

  15. guinea pigs and Pugs!  

  16. Rats most definitely.

    Guinea pigs tend to squeal a lot. x_x They're also not the brightest crayons in the box and as far as I'm concerned, I've got 13 rats in my home. >> And a hamster. And 2 mice. And I prefer ALL of them, over a guinea pig.

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