
EVERYONE thinks my SON is a GIRL?

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It really bothers me... I always try to not assume the s*x of a baby unless it's obvious - but people are always calling my son a she. It literally happens every single time I leave the house. I dress him in blues and greens with lions and monkeys and cars and all that boy stuff. I politely say "he's a boy" with a smile every time people comment on how "she's so cute" . . .

How do you handle it when people confuse the s*x of your child (if they do)?

Also- how do you politely tell people not to touch your child? I always have strangers touching my sons cheeks, or his hair. It drives me nuts!




  1. He is adorable! He is beautiful! Usually boys are ugly and grow up handsome! Thats why! His hair cut is fine! When people come up near him especiall strangers bark it will freak them out lol trust me they wont put their germy hands on him!

  2. He is such a handsome boy! Congratulations on that. As for the haircut, you can take him to a salon for a ''baby's first hair cut''. They will always save a lock of hair for you too keep if you choose to. My parents put a lock of my hair in my baby book. If you dress him in blues and greens with trucks and boyish things on them then most likely people are just being ignorant and not really thinking. As for people touching him, I would politely say something along the lines of can you please not touch him? I personally have never gone up to a stranger and touched their baby so I'm not sure how to respond to that but he is a very gorgeous baby!

  3. he is cute , dont worry he is to small

  4. it's better than having them mistake your little girl for a boy :( happens to me all the time, even though her ears are pierced & she wears very feminine colors. people are just idiots, that's the conclusion I've drawn.

  5. Your SON is gorgeous!

    He's still young so it's hard to tell. you know?

    Just kindly say "his name is.... so and so"

  6. yep my little girl can go out in a pink dress and i still he "OH hes such a cute little fellow" idk what to do about it. people do touch my daughter but as shes gotten older ( 19 months) she pulls back if she doesn't want it to happen. Its the same as when people touch ladies bellies... if you dont want it done. have some body lang that you dont want it done. Good luck.  

  7. Try a different hair cut.

    Everyone used to mistake my little brother for a girl because his hair was kept a little longer because he had an abnormally large forehead... luckily he grew into it.. but that's why he was mistaken for a girl.

  8. first...give him a hair him smell bad...then people wont  want to touch him

  9. aww hes so cute. he has beautiful big brown eyes...


  10. You know what I did when people said Oh she's so cute? I would just say thanks. If they asked my sons name after they said SHE was cute I would make one up. like peaches or something. Just to get a laugh. lol.  Some people just don't understand that blue and green means a boy. I had the same problem. If you see someone reaching towards your child and you don't want them touching him say, oh he's sick, and it's contagious. I would try a shorter haircut, once my son had his first haircut(at 4 months, cuz he had a head full of hair) People did not confuse him for a girl after that.  

  11. Maybe try a hat or a shirt that stats something about him being a boy u know those shirt that some consider to be kinda tacky like grandpas favorite grandson or something weird like that. Or try clothes w/cars or something along those lines that typically most men are into. Within reason tho...I wouldn't go too over board cause that tends to take some of the cuteness out of clothes when their that little. As for telling people to back off I know lying is not the way to go but make something up like oh hes just getting over a cold, or hes scared around new people something like that. but keep in mind you are the parent and you shouldn't have to feel weird about letting someone know you would appreciate it if they didn't touch him. Other than that I'm not really sure what the exact etiquette is for that. I'm sorry I wish I could be more help.  

  12. If it bothers you enough, cut his hair short.  In the first pic, he does kind of look like a girl.  SO CUTE, THOUGH!!!

  13. People mistaken my daughter for being a boy because her hair doesn't grow much. But it doesn't bother me.

    But why should that bother you? It won't traumatize your boy. Just have him wear a shirt that says "BOY" if you want.

  14. Have you ever thought that once he gets older people can easily see that he's a boy? If you think about it.. most babies doesn't look like themselves. When I was small..I looked soo much like a boy. But I'm glad that now that I'm older.. people could see that I'm a girl :D

  15. first of all i have to say he is ADORABLE!!! I had the same problem with my son (now 3) I made sure to dress him like a boy and all that jus tlike you, i think some people just don't pay attention to detail for me on the other hand since it bothered me so much i always make sure to see if i can notice anything that says boy or girl, and if i'm not sure i don't say he or she i just say aww what a cutie or something like that :) I don't specify gender cause it's embarrassing!! I think more people should do that!! I don't have any advice for how you can make him seem more like a boy, it's more or less other peoples ignorance! I don't think it would matter if you posted a sign on his head or what!! my son had a shirt that said mommy's lil boy in big letters  and still people would call him a girl!! what can u do!?

  16. I don't think I've ever guessed the gender of a baby right.

  17. My 6-month old daughter is completely bald, and people mistake her for a boy all the time (despite dresses, pink clothes, or girl's shoes)...  I just take it with a grain of salt.  Sometimes, I simply say "Thank you" when they compliment me on how cute "he" is, and sometimes, I say "Thanks - she's a girl.  I know it's hard to tell with that hairdo!"  While it may have bothered me initially, I don't even let it phase me now...  At least people think she's cute enough to want to comment!  

    Try to take everything in stride, and not get worked up over the little things.  A stranger touching your child's cheeks is not going to kill him (keep some antibacterial hand sanitizer with you!).  

    Good luck - your son is simply adorable!

  18. Really you should try not to worry about it as in a way it is a compliment as they must consider your son to be good looking to even have the possibility of being a girl.  he will no doubt be  very handsome many when he is full grown.  

    My youngest son also used to be confused by people as a girl as he had gorgeous blonde curls.  My wife found it amazing as he was her third child and will he was a very cute baby we both really felt that our other two children were just as cute.  One of them has flame red hair, but even so people for some reason seemed to be much more drawn to our youngest.  He just seemed to have some sort of charisma.  

    So my point is that no matter what you do people will draw conclusions about your child no matter what you do.  You will have oldies offering advice of which you will have to take with a smile, so try not to get too worried about it as at least they don't take one look and then scream and run shouting 'my god that's ugly'   So the situation could be worse.

  19. first of all i have to say how beautiful your baby boy is he is so cute.

    I am the same i never assume the s*x of a baby when giving complements.. .unless i am totally sure, It happened to me  when i had my daughter i had her dressed head to toe in pink and this old man asked if it was a girl or a boy. . i was. . um well a boy i always dress boys in pink.  .lol.

    I would just continue to dress your son your own way, and never let the ignorant people bother you, it would be much more polite if they asked you what s*x your baby is before just assuming.

  20. all he needs is a haircut, if you're too scared, bring him to a hairdresser, they know what they're doing. so yes a salon works well

  21. Get him a crew cut, with one of those clipper things.

    A hairdresser should be able to do it pretty fast.

    No one will make a mistake after that.

  22. I thought I was going to see a picture!

    OMG He's gorgeous! Ive heard of boys being so cute, that they look like girls! I would see why people would think he was a girl if he had on pink. I think some people are colorblind! I would keep correcting them and ask them not to touch him! Thats your son. There are too many germs around for them to be touching him like that!

  23. First of all I must say your son is adorable!!! What a cutie. I suppose people mistake him for a girl because of his long eyelashes and hair. I would say that if you dress him in darker blues and greens etc. that less people would mistake him for a girl. For example in the second picture the onesie he is wearing looks almost gender-neutral even though its blue/green. I think it also has pooh bear? Pooh bear is also gender neutral. If you're going to dress him in characters I would try Handy Manny, Diego, or Bob the Builder...something that is obviously geared toward little boys. Other than that just let it brush off your shoulder. Your son truely is a beautiful (err...handsome?) little boy.

    It wouldn't hurt to have his hair cut. I personally would just leave it because his hair is lovely. I recommend NOT cutting it yourself the first time if you don't know what you are doing. You will regret it, I promise. Just take him to a salon or a barber shop and let them do it for a small fee.

    As far as the problem with people touching him goes I would just let it be.  I had to learn this myself.  When my son was an infant I would just leave his socks off when he was in the carrier and people would go for his toes instead of his face. I'm not sure if that would work for you but it's worth a try.

  24. I have that same problem!  They call hima  girl all the time, then when I  say he is a boy, they just say that he looks alot like me.  This happens even if he is wearing a basebal cap with blue pants and his "I love boobies" tee!  I dont think you can stop it!  You could write I'm a boy on his forhead!  When I dont want people to touch my baby I just tell them that he already has a cough so I would apprediate it if you washed your hands.

  25. i just say "he is a boy, notice the blue and cars?" and just tell them he has been sick and to be kind enough not to touch his face...or just walk away :)

    by the way, gorgeous baby!

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